Kokomo~Beach Boys

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Nicole POV

He just smiled and looked happy as can be and I bet I looked the same. Truth be told I may like Dally. And that would be a big maybe. I usually just hump e'm and then dump e'm.

Anyway I just didn't want this night to end but sadly I was tired as hell and had to get some sleep.

I curled up next to him and wrapped my arms around his torso and snuggled my head into his chest. He seemed shocked by the amount of affection I was showing to him and truth be told I was too. But in despite of it he wrapped his strong muscular arms around me tightly and holding on for dear life. And... I liked it...a lot. Who knows I may like him...a lot. And fell asleep hearing his strong steady hart beat and loving every second of it.

I woke up to a kiss on the lips. It wasn't rough like you would expect but soft and tender. Then I saw the sun shining through the old dirty church windows and birds chirping outside on a tree lim. I was a good sight. It was refreshing to me. Or like the ones to would see in the movies.

"Good morning sunshine." He said in his very sexy morning voice it was rough and caring  at the same time.

"Moroni handsome." I said with a smile.

"You should smile more often it's pretty." I just snuggled closer into his chest.

"How did you sleep last night." This boy will be the death of me his voice is as smooth as silk yet as rough and sand paper.

"It was good. I didn't wake up once which is good, how did you sleep?"

"Amazing with you next to my side." I let out a little giggle and scooted even closer to him.

"Did you know that when you sleep you talk sometimes and you hug anything that is close to you oh and you scrunch up your nose and smile in your sleep it is very cute." Oh my gosh....

"That is so embarrassing." I said wile laughing and he laughed along with me.

"It was adorable." I smiled and gave him one last kiss before getting up.

~~~~~~~~~~4 Days later(still at the church getting ready to leave)~~~~~~~~~

My hart was racing wile I was running as fast as I can to jump on that moving train.

"1....2....3" Dally said right as we jumped on three.

"We should probably get some sleep its a long ride to Tulsa"Dally said wile getting heavy eyes.

He set his head on my stomach and I just ran my fingers through his long greasy hair.

I tried to fall asleep but my mind just wouldn't shut off. I was restless so I just let my mind wonder off into my memories. Those were my one happy place, well most of them anyway.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback to 4 years ago~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3rd person POV

Nicole and Rose(Nicole's little sister) were walking home from a day at the lake just outside of Tulsa. walking home on the gravel road. Rosie was skipping down the road without a care in the world, while Nicole was laughing at how silly she looked.

"What are you laughing at."Rosie asked with lots of curiosity hidden in her voice.

"You, you look like such a sortie skipping down the road. what if someone saw you. then what would you do." Nicole said while shoving Rosie solder a little in the middle of her sentence. All Nicole did was look after her and care for her she didn't want her hurt or even in harms way for that matter of fact.

"well its not nice to laugh at people you know,and maybe your just to tuff...Plus who cares if someone sees me." Nicole just smiled in response. And Rose knew Exactingly what she meant by it to. That smile told her everything sh needed to know.

That smile told her to never change,that she can still see the good in the wold that her dig sister cant see anymore, that you can love even when it seems impossible. To never give up and to be what you want to be when you get old.

"ruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take you to
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go
oh I want to take you down to
Kokomo"Rose sang. Her voice was nice and gentle. And it sounded beautiful. Like on other voice you have heard.

"We'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow" Nicole finished the song for her. "You always wanted to see them in concert didn't you.'

"Yah, always did ever since i heard that song. I always wanted to go to a beach or somewhere tropical you know. Somewhere like no other place. It seems magical to me." Rose always could bream as big.

"Always dream big Rosie, Dream as big as the clouds in the sky. Hell the sky's the limmet. I love you little Rose"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Present time on the train~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

""Ruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take you to,Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama,Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go, oh I want to take you down to Kokomo" I sang softly and knowing that nobody could hear me made me feel good.

"We'll get there fast and we'll take it slow." Dally sang it just as....as Rose would have.

Dally sat up and stared into my eyes. Almost like he was searching for something, for all of the hurt that I would hide away from people, for all of the good times that I never talked about, for everything that I hid away.

And I let him...I let him find everything that he was searching for. HE saw that I was hurt,beat, and broken down by the outside world. After about five minuets for sole searching he pulled me in for a hug.

I gently set my head in the crook of his neck and inhaled his sent. And he snaked his long strong around me. Once we both pulled away he put both of his rough hands on my neck and placed a soft yet loving kiss on my lips and with that he set his head on my lap and we both fell into a peaceful slumber. Slowly learning how to love again.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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