The walls

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Background information

My name is Nicole and Was kicked out of my house when I was 8 and now I am 18, and to sum it up I hate my family. Well hell! I don't even consider them as that. They could burn in hell for all I care! I know all of the important people in Tulsa. I know Tim's gang,the Brombley boys,etc. I am a greaser if you haven't noticed by now. I HATE the socs so much. Oh and I am a bad ass. I am worse than the "Brombley boys and their bad ass.So let my story begin.
10 years ago
Nicole point of view
"GET UP NOW," my dad screamed at me wile smacking me in the face. I fell off the couch with a thump!

"YOU LAZY BITCH YOU LEAVE THIS HOUSE NEVER COME BSCK." I went and found the few things I had and packed them up and left. But before I could leave my parents took out a blade and carved their initials into my left side of my stomach.  They put RLF ( Rose,Lillian,Fritsch) band SWF(Steve,William, Fritsch)And then kicked me out onto the cold streets of Tulsa Oklahoma.

Nicole is 18 now
Nicole's point of view

I was walking out of bucks heading over to Tim so I could get the money that he owes me from a pool game last night. I mean I was drunk but not that drunk to forget about the money he owes me.

I finally found him, him and his gang was surrounding Dallas Winston. I didn't want to deal with this right now, so I took out my blade.

"Tim, back away give me my money and leave!" I said sternly. He did what I said and gave me $15.

"Watch your back Winston!" It didn't  phased Dally like it would phased with other people. When Tim tells you to watch your back, you better watch it.

I started walking back to Bucks, but I realized that Dally walked with me.

"What?"I asked curiously.

"Why did you help me?" He asks. I didn't think as it as helping him I just wanted my money.

"I didn't." I say simply. It wasn't a lie, it was the truth. He just sighs and keeps on following me. It was kinda weird if you ask me.

" Why are you following me?" What can I tell you. I was curious.

"Do you know who I am." He asks.

"Dallas Winston."

"Why did you pull a blade?" He asks, and by now I was annoyed with his questions.

I turned around so I was face to face with Dally. Well nines looking up actually. He was a good foot taller than me." Look Winston I know who you are and what type of guy you are. And compared me you are a goody goody. So I didn't do it for you I simply did it to get my money. And why do you think that Tim only told you to watch your back and not me huh. It is because he is scared of me! So don't think that I did it for you." I said sternly but I wasn't yelling either I was simply stating the facts.

He was silent but then decided to pip up again." Your Nicole Fritsch right?"

I sigh"yes."

"Everyone who is bad ass has a story so what is yours?" I don't know if I should tell him my story or not. I mean I know him but I don't know know him like you know your beast bud.

"I will tell you mine if you tell me yours." That sounded fair enough. Only a few people know my story and that is because I threatened to cut out their tongue if they told anyone.

"Ok. Fair enough, you go first."oh he did not just try and pul that on me. If I spill first he won't tell me his.

"I know I was board at knight but I wasn't born las knight you idiot. YOU go first." I felt proud of myself for some reason.

He let out a chuckle and started to spill." When I was about 7or8 my mom left and my dad has always slapped me around pretty bad. It was like that even when my mom was their, but when she left it got worse. I was liked out of my hose when I was 10 and have been living on the streets since. I mean I will crash at my buddies house or stay at Bucks but other than that, I don't have a home. Your turn." I was surprised he let out his story. I guess it is my turn now. I let out a small sigh and started to spill my guts out to Dally.

"When I was 5 my mom said she was going to the store to go buy some milk and she left and never came back. I was always beat and slapped around like you. Every night it looked like I just came out of a rumble. My dad beat me when he was drunk or when he was sober. Final when I was 8 my dad kicked me out and carves his and my moms inishels into my left side of my stomach. And we'll hear I am now talking to you. We're everyone who is anyone knows me and I know them. And like you I crash at friends places, but mainly Bucks." We just keep walking in science.

"Do you sleep?" Well that is a weird question.

"No. Why do you ask?"

"I don't eater . I try but I wake up all of the time. It is like I have alarm clocked that wake me up all of the time. And I don't even have nightmares which is the weird part." Why is he telling me all of this. He barely even knows me and who I am. I am hood,a dead beat that no one wants around.

"Same." I simply say.

"Why do you have the walls. And don't act like you don't know what am talking about, because I have them too."

What is their to lose I already told him my story. Can't just to tell more." I have the walls to see who cares enough to brake them down. The people who don't care enough to brake them down I don't get attached to, and for the few people who do brake them down.... I would do anything for them. Because it is as hard at hell to brake my walls down." Is was the truth. Every single word.

"I will." Now I was confused.

"You will what?"I asked with a little concerned but more curious than concerned in my voice.

"I will brake down your walls. And you can brake down mine if you want."I was stunned.

So that was the first chapter hope that you liked it. Please rate this chapter and give me a comment.
~Stay Gold

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