Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I sat up in the rickety bed and yawned whilst stretching my arms out. Sebastian was already dressed and perfect whilst I was sitting around with my bed head. I slumped out of bed and tried and failed to put my dress back on, it was harder to put a dress on without the help of maids. I tried again but like the many other times I couldn't get it on right. I was about to give up but a pair of skilful hands tied my bodice and dressed me perfectly. I blushed when his hands trailed up my waist and I could feel his demanding presence behind me. This demon doesn't know when to give up. I batted his hands away and we headed out of the inn. I looked around the dirty streets of London and it didn't look like what I imagined it to be. I thought there would be street performers and many different stalls. But I was greeted by shady looking people, passed out drunk men and beggars. I was determined to see a little bit more of London and walked in the opposite direction of Sebastian. Through what seemed like ages of turning round corners and avoiding the alleyways, it seemed like I made it to the heart of London. There was a large market with hundreds of nobles buying gifts for the upcoming holiday called Christmas. I felt a lot more comfortable and gazed at the food stalls, I noticed my favourite snack for sale. I stared at the treats and my attention was suddenly ripped away when there was a loud bang. Everyone's heads turned in the direction of a large wooden stage. A man dressed in bright colours stood on the stage bowing, one hand held his top hat whilst the other held his cloak back. I was able to get to the front of the crowd to watch whatever he was going to do.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. I welcome you to Janiman's magic show!" he threw his arms into the air and everyone clapped, I followed their lead since I had never been in this sort of situation. "I know you all want to see the man himself but before you do I want you to meet our lovely dancers!" he pulled back and smoke suddenly rippled through the air. When it cleared there were two women, dressed in revealing clothes and we're back to back. They both looked the same which indicated they were twins. They both had bright blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes that gleamed like sapphires in the sun. A band started playing a tune and the twin danced to it, they swayed their hips and their arms flowed like waves. The bells around their necks and ankles jingled as they did cartwheels and many other stunts. The crowed gasped as one jumped in the air landing on the second dancers shoulders, the twin on the top held her arms out as the one on the bottom leaned forward. The twin on the top was soon in the hands stand whilst other one was still gripping onto her legs. I wanted to look away but the dancers performance kept me hooked. They were soon standing back to back again and they both held a short wooden staff. The one on the rights dragged her staff across the stage and it was set alight, the one on the left did the same. They started to dance with the lit staffs and I stared at the beauty of the dancers grace. Their movements matched the flames dance and I clamped a hand over my mouth as they threw their staffs into the air and caught the unlit side in their mouths. They leaned back and slammed the staffs down. The flames were gone and everyone clapped as they walked off the stage. I felt like I was the loudest one and felt a large smile creep up on my face. The man appeared again and he had a wide smile, revealing his slightly yellowed teeth. he then boomed out, "what a wonderful performance! Now we need a lovely lady to come up onto the stage!" Loads of women pelted their arms up into the air squealing and the mans eyes rested on me. "What's your name m'lady?"

"Uhh...uhh...who me?" I gestured to myself and he nodded holding a hand out to me. "M-my names (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)? What a lovely name." He said in an overexcited voice as he helped me up onto the stage. "Now I hope you don't mind but there are two acts that needs your cooperation and then the big act with Janiman will also include you."

"Well I guess I get the best view of the show!" I chuckled and the man laughed with me, it was rather weird wasn't that funny. A large archery target was wheeled onto the stage and the man nudged me towards it. The twin dancers gave me a warm smile and strapped me to it.

"Don't worry about anything, the next performer is a professional." They both said in unison and I felt rather nervous. They wheeled the target, which I was strapped to, into the middle of the stage and I stared out at the crowed. A tall, thin man walked onto the stage and was wearing all black, he also had a large strap over his shoulder which had many knifes dangling from it.

"This act is very dangerous so don't do this at home. We have our favourite knife thrower jack!" The brightly dressed man said in the same jolly voice. Jack turned towards me and his cold eyes stared deep into mine. He had light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, his face had no expression and I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He held a knife in his his hand and aimed towards me, I held my breath and squeezed my eyes shut when he threw the knife. It landed right next to my head and I let out a sigh of relief, I then saw him holding two knifes in one hand. This time I kept my eyes open when he threw them and to my relief they both didn't hit me. Each throw he did, he increased the amount of knifes he was throwing. On his last throw he held five knifes in both hands, so that meant he was going to throw ten knifes at me. I kept my gaze locked onto his eyes, I smirked at him as if I was challenging him to throw. His eyes widened slightly but he quickly shook his head and returned to his expressionless self. I saw him draw in a deep breath before throwing all ten knifes at the same time. They all came close to hitting me but I saw one heading straight towards me and it didn't look like it was going to miss. The Jacks expressionless face suddenly twisted with worry as he realised where the rogue knife was headed. Suddenly the knife was caught by a short man with wild black hair and hazel eyes. He looked back at me with a smile and everyone clapped thinking it was all part of the act. He unstrapped me from the target and  passed the knife over to Jack. I looked over to the knife thrower and saw that he was hanging his head in shame, he looked up at me and I gave him a thumbs up. Jacks lips tugged back into a small smile as he returned my gesture with a thumbs up as well. He walked off the stage and the presenter man walked back on stage.

"Our next act is a man who has the worlds fastest reactions! his name is Will...rather normal you would say but he holds true talent!" He chirped and handed me a bow and three arrows. "Our lovely volunteer will shoot three arrows at him and he will catch them before they pierce his body!" I held in my gasp and looked over to the performer with wide eyes. He gave me a wink and smiled cheekily at me. He stood in a certain kind of stance as I hesitantly drew an arrow and held the bow up. I aimed towards him and felt my hands start to shake. If this goes wrong, I would be responsible for his death. I quickly regained my composure and my hands stopped shaking, I aimed and then released the first arrow. Within a split second Will caught the arrow in between two fingers, I released a slow sigh of relief and felt my body lighten. It seemed like the whole crowd finally started breathing again. I drew another arrow slightly reassured that he would catch it, I released the arrow and it whistled through the air. Will quickly reacted and caught it in his mouth, but his teeth stopped it from impaling his throat. He spat out the arrow and gestured me to shoot another one, I did as he said and he caught it with one hand. The crowd erupted with claps and whoops and both my and Will bowed. The brightly dressed man shouted over the loud crowd, "now if you give us a short break, you will witness the main act you've been waiting for...the great and mischievous Janiman!" The man turned towards me and showed me beihnd the stage. The twin dancers, Jack and will were sitting down on a bunch of crates staring at me.

"You did really well for a volunteer!" The twins said in unison and I found it a little creepy.

"Yeah you did amazing!" Will stood up and ruffled my hair. He looked back at Jack and pin tied at him, "have you got anything to say?"

"Well done." Jack said in a monotone voice and I smiled warmly at them all.

"Oh by the way my names Arthur." The presenter said in his jolly voice and I bowed my head towards him. "By the way you need to wear this." He handed me a pile of clothes and I raised an eyebrow at him. "Don't worry the twins will help!" I suddenly felt two pairs of hands gently grab my arms and I was taken behind a curtain to get changed.

(Time skip)

I stared at myself in the mirror and my eyebrows furrowed. I was wearing (f/c) performers clothiers that were a little too revealing and my hair was tied up into a high ponytail, I was lucky that they let me wear my choker which covered my contract symbol on the back of my neck. The twins dragged me back to the boys and they all whistled.

"We ought to hire you!" Arthur slung an arm around my shoulders and I pulled back.

"Well sorry...I can't." I nervously chuckled and all of the men except from Jack looked disappointed.

"Oh I nearly forgot! Time for the next act!" Arthur skipped up onto the stage and I could hear the crowd clap at his arrival.

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