Chapter 13

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Of course God hates me, I see Sebastian the demon who left me and find out that the man I'm looking for practically is a ghost for information. All I ask is just one thing that goes my way, I'd be glad with anything, even the small things. But of course that wouldn't work. I might as well say to Dean, take my soul now since there is no point searching for this man. A sudden flash of Sebastian's face and soft voice muttering 'I love you too' traveled though my mind, kicking away the thought of giving my soul away. Once Dean does take it , I would never see Sebastian again and he wouldn't see me, I would be a part of Dean which meant I would be around him forever. But strangely, I wanted that forever to be with Sebastian. Even though he left me, I couldn't shake away that feeling, it was practically latching onto me like a leech. I didn't realise that I had stopped walking until Dean was shaking my shoulders, repeating my name. My eyes slowly trailed up to his and I bit my lip, Maybe I was being a bit sensitive. Maybe Sebastian had a good reason.

"(Y/n) are you okay?" Dean asked and I shook my head, closing my eyes. I was not okay, how could I be okay? "(Y/n), are you listening?" I opened my eyes and saw a worried looking Dean, he gently cupped my cheeks with his large hands and pressed his forehead against mine. My eyes widened and my cheeks heated up as he whispered, "forget out him (y/n)" a shiver ran down my spine and his hands moved down from my cheeks to my waste. I was frozen as he pressed himself closer to my body, his forehead was still touching mine. "If my mistress orders it, I could make you forget him."

"D-Dean what are you..." I gasped and couldn't finish my sentence when his soft lips latched onto my neck, pressing me against the wall of an alleyway. I couldn't react, I was too shocked. But the flashing images of Sebastian in my mind made me come to my senses. I pressed my hands against Dean's chest and tried pushing him off of me, he wouldn't budge and bit down on my neck. "Dean! Get off!" I added more strength to my next shove but he still didn't move. "Dean I command you to get off of me!" He suddenly ripped himself away. The symbol on his palm glowing through his glove and the mark on my neck began to heat up.

"I...I'm sorry my lady." He bowed and I walked past him, with my chin held up and boots stomping against the dirty cobbles of the floor.

"It's fine, lets just go home."

(Time skip)

As soon as I opened the door, I was engulfed in a pair of arms. Remembering how Dean acted, I froze up thinking this was the same. I held my breath and my body went rigid at the sudden touch, a slight whimper built up in my throat and my eyes squeezed shut. The arms had let go of me, silence hovered around the manor and I slowly opened my eyes seeing prince Soma. I let out a relaxed sigh and smiled sheepishly towards my friend, he raised an eyebrow at my actions with his lips in a slight pout. "(Y/n) what happened?" He laid his hands on my shoulders and I bit my lip, looking down at the floor and sighing through my nose I felt memories flood back.

"Soma...I..." I couldn't find the words and all I could think about was Sebastian. "I...have just gotten my heart broken." Tears, that I kept in for a while, came bursting out of my eyes and I flung my arms around soma, burying my face in his chest. At first he was shocked, but then his eyes softened as he patted my head softly.

"(Y/n) you can be happy without Sebastian." His voice was soft and comforting but there was some sort of hidden objective behind them, I could sense if as if he was saying out loud his intentions. My tears stopped and I pulled back, watching his face wearily.

"What do you mean?" Uncertainty laced my voice and a step further away from my friend.

"This might not be the right time but...well...the queen has found out what my father wanted and she finds the whole marriage thing in favour for Britain. So now her royal highness wishes you to marry me." He smiled towards me and I shook my head. I didn't want to be with soma, I didn't love him, and the only person I could think about was Sebastian. My hand ran through my hair, as I released a slow and shaky breath, and closed my eyes remembering the man I loved. I wouldn't even have a chance to even see him again, I could have been shipped off to India if I was to marry Soma. I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when the 26th prince kneeled down on one knee, "(y/n) (l/n), will you marry me?" He clasped both of my hands with his and smiled expectantly at me.

"No," I whispered and bowed my head down, my (h/c) hair covered my face.


"I said no!" I rose my voice and pulled my hands out of his grip, I out of the room and headed to my on bedroom. I slammed the door shut and leaned against the dark wood. There was immediately knocking at my door and I listened to Soma's urgent voice. But no words processed through my mind, all I could hear was the distant whisper of a familiar voice 'I love you too' , what the hell did Sebastian do to me!?that demon had probably used some sort of demonic power to make me go insane, to make me hear his voice, that bastard! I slammed my first down onto my dressing table and ran my other hand through my hair. I hated that demon so much, but then...all I could do was let my tears fall as my imagination ran wild with the image of Sebastian. It was as if his very existence was branded in my head. Yes I did hate that demon...but I loved him as well.

Sebastian's P.O.V

I was sitting down on a branch, staring through the familiar manors Windows. The owners bedroom window to be specific. But what I was seeking wasn't what I ever wanted to see. (Y/n) crying, shaking, hitting things and would repeatedly run a shaky hand through her hair. The tears that rolled down her cheeks looked like jewels falling from a chain. Even though I wanted to, I couldn't go in there and wipe her precious tears away, Ciel had ordered me to stay away from her unless he was around.

Flash back~

I was serving my master some tea as he sat down in silence, his one eye following my every movement and he leaned his head against his knuckle. I kept on glancing up at him and when my eyes met his, he looked away and looked deep in thought. I let out a sigh until Ciel suddenly spoke up, "Sebastian."

"Yes my lord."

"There is some news regarding (y/n)" his words made my breath hitch and I had almost knocked over his tea cup. I quickly regained my composure and listened intently to him. "The queen has found out about the whole arranged marriage regarding (y/n) and prince soma, she has given her blessing and (y/n) is going to be taken away to marry soma in India." A feeling bubbled up inside me, I didn't know what it was. Anger? Sadness? Jealousy? I stood up straight, clenching my hands into fists. I couldn't allow it.

"Master, can't you do something? I thought you didn't think this should happen either."

"Yes that is what I think but I am loyal to the queen and you...are loyal to me. For the sake of Britain I order you to stay away from (y/n) unless I am there." His authoritative voice seemed to put an invisible leash on me and even though I was furious inside, I kept my composure on the outside. I wasn't showing any hint of emotion.

Flash back end~

I shook my head and my eyes followed (y/n), she was soon sitting on her bed, burying her head in her hands. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, I wanted to be with her. I felt something wet on my cheek and wiped it away, I'm a demon damn it, I cannot show emotion. My eyes opened when I heard a croaky voice, "Sebastian?" I snapped my head round in the direction it came from and saw (y/n) with her window open, staring at me with wide eyes.

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