Chapter 15

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No ones P.O.V

Even though it was in the small hours of morning, a man with fiery red locks jumped from roof to roof of the run down houses of London. His emerald green eyes, almost cat like, seemed to of glowed in the darkness. Despite the fact a normal person couldn't see through the thick abyss of the night, he could. He landed with feline grace and his feet didn't make a sound on the tiled roofs, he was just apart of the shadows engulfing the sleeping city. The demon didn't know where to start, but he was a step closer to getting his prize. To getting her soul. His face was set in a stoic expression, as he scanned through the area. He remembered what the twins had told him, Janiman is where you would least expect him and that they didn't know where he went, apparently he was always moving and never settled down with his growing wealth. Suddenly he came to a halt on a roof and saw that he was close to centre of London, but that wasn't what stopped him. He sensed something rather dangerous, he sensed a presence, he sensed a grim reaper. A roar of sliced through the silence and the demon jumped back when the weapon clashed down onto the roof, with a red haired reaper following after it.

"Deany bear~!" The reaper squealed and the demon lost all colour in his face, a shiver ran down his spine and he almost felt like running away. The red haired reaper flicked his long hair, practically sparkling and smiled with his sharp teeth. "Your little reaper has missed you!"

"Grell." Dean choked out the reapers name and took a step back, "I thought I'd never see you again."

"Well you did say to me to leave you alone for the rest of your life but we both know you missed me." Grell winked at the demon and had let out a sigh, "but alas my heart was stolen by another! Oh Deany bear, it's Bassy! My sweet raven haired beauty and by God he can't stop grabbing me with those manly hands." Grell wrapped his arms around himself and imagined Sebastian holding him.

"Do you mean your dear Bassy won't stop pushing you away so you won't cling onto him like a leech." Deans voice was cold and harsh but it had no effect on the reaper.

"Is that jealousy I hear!" Grell threw himself into the demon and wouldn't let go, despite the fact that Dean was struggling in the reapers iron grip. "Maybe I have room in my heart for two demons!"

"No no no no no!" Dean finally got out of the reapers grip and had put some distance between the two. "Why are you even here?"

"Well I was informed that There is gonna be a bunch of souls to reap and apparently you're gonna be involved with most of them, so I thought I might as well follow you!" Grell picked up his chainsaw and rested it against his shoulder whilst spinning round in circles, "oh Deany bear it's like we are partners in crime, taking souls of others and we are passionately in love. Oh how my heart throbs at the thought!" Grell looked over to Dean but found out he was long gone, "uh...Deany bear?"


Dean let out a sigh of relief when he had finally lost the reaper, a small smile curved at the end of his lips at the small victory. But the relief was long gone as soon as he felt another presence behind him, but this time it wasn't a grim reaper. He growled menacingly when he twisted round, seeing Sebastian smirking towards him with Ciel between the two.

"Dean...what are you doing here? Is (y/n) with you?" Ciel questioned but the demon would not speak, "Dean did anything bad happen!?"

"Why do you care? She's unhappy because of both you and Sebastian." Dean growled and glared at the two, "but if you must know nothing extremely bad has happened. We had found out her families killers identity, and now I'm a step closer to getting her soul." The demon smiled when he saw Sebastian step back slightly, Dean felt a strange feeling of happiness at Sebastian's distressed body language. "I can't wait to taste it...that rare...delicious soul." Dean suddenly found himself pinned to the ground by the throat, with Sebastian on top and snarled in anger.

"Sebastian!" Ciel shouted and Dean smirked at the demon, his green eyes challenged him and Sebastian's grip tightened. "There is no need to act like this!" The demon released his grip and returned to his master, but this time was in his face with rage evident in his features.

"No need! There is definitely a need, if he so much as touches (y/n) I will rip him to shreds and I don't care on what you say!" He yelled and to everyone's surprise, was actually angry at Ciel. "I can't let him hurt her, I can't let him kill her!" Ciel's eye was wide open as Sebastian grabbed his masters shoulder.

"Sebastian...this is a contract between y/n and Dean, you can't stop it. At some point the contract must come to an end, like how you will get my soul in the end." The demons master didn't flinch and kept an expressionless face. "There is nothing you can that is why I came to the decision in helping her." This time both demons took a step back with wide eyes, the human remained emotionless and took off his eyepatch revealing the contract symbol in his eye. "Sebastian this is an order, you must help Dean find the murderer of lady (l/n)'s family." The said demon suddenly fell to his knees groaning, as if something was forcing his movements.

"Y-yes my lord." Sebastian choked out and Dean stared down at the demon with a victorious smirk.

Sebastian's P.O.V

Ciel had left in his carriage back to the safety of his manor and I was stuck with the dog. We were running along rooftops and I could sense his burning gaze and annoying smirk on me at all times, a sudden snap of anger caused me to lash out and I grabbed the collar of his shirt and slammed his body against a chimney. "Wipe that smirk off your face before I bash it in with a brick!" I snarled in his face and my other hand gripped onto his hair, pulling it down so his face would look up at mine. The dog smirk changed into a grin and he chuckled at my anger. "What!"

"It makes you angry doesn't it. That I, a demon less powerful than you, is taking the soul in which you desire most. She's all mine, she'll be devoured slowly whilst I savour the taste of her rare soul." Deans voice became rather uncontrolled and there was some sort of insanity behind it. "I have starved myself for this woman and finally it's all paying off." I slammed my fist next to his head, the demon didn't even flinch as the bricks crumbled. It was true, I was angry...but not just at Dean. I was angry at soma, Agni, the queen, The King of Bengal...even Ciel, but the person I mostly angry at was myself. I was the one who got caught up on feelings, I allowed myself to feel for that woman. But there was so much blocking our path, she was the food on the table a few steps away from the crippled and starving slave. Forever reaching out but was completely untouchable. I suddenly heard a scream and dropped Dean without hesitation.

"Thats our clue." I said without any emotion and ran in the direction it came from. I noticed it came from an alleyway behind a furniture shop. I poked my head around the corner to see a woman hyperventilating whilst a man with a knife threatened her. Dismissively, I was about to pass it off as the usual thief but what caught my attention was what the woman was saying.

"I told you I don't know where he is!" She whimpered and the man pulled out a second knife with his free hand. "Please just let me leave, I promise that I will not mention that you are still alive." My eyebrows furrowed as I edged a little closer to the scene, but I couldn't see his face. There something off about that man though, his long trench coat was caked in dirt and the smell of death emanated from his body.

"You've seen me, now that makes you a loose end." His voice was cracked, broken and wispy. He took a step towards the trembling woman and embedded one of the knifes in her stomach, he pulled her body close to his and wrapped his other arm around her. Stabbing the other knife into her back. "I'm sorry but Janiman said that all of this will come together, and I owe him my life." The woman slumped to the floor, lying in a pool of blood and the spark of life fading from her eyes.

"Hey!" Dean suddenly shouted and the man didn't turn around, he just bolted away. "Why do they always run?" Dean let out a sigh and pulled off his gloves, stuffing them into his breast pocket and sprinted after the killer. I watched him run off into the night and sighed as my masters order rang in my head.

"I must find a way to stop this."


I had finally caught up with (y/n)'s demon and saw him pinning the murderer against a wall but to my surprise I recognised his face and peculiar circular scar was showing on his neck. A sudden memory of me carrying a body with (y/n) walking beside me, the way she described the boy and had said he tried getting her away from Janiman.

"Wait by any chance...your name is Jack?"

Shadows heart (Sebastian x reader) book 1Where stories live. Discover now