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It’s been two days since Dad and Daddy found out about Chloe’s different eye colors. I find it quite ironic that she has a green and blue eye.

From all the thinking I had done last night, ether Dad or Katie (Chloe’s birth mother) have to have a member in their family with that “condition”. The doctor acted like something was wrong with the two different eyes when it was just different color.

Since the day my parents have found out, I still haven’t said anything that I knew. Not that I plan to tell them..

“Darcy? Ready to go?” Dad called from the bottom of the stairs. Tomorrow was the first day of being a freshman. Dad decided to take me back to school shopping for clothes.

“I’ll be right down!” I respond. I grab my phone and rush down the stairs, sliding the phone in my back pocket.

Dad’s just there waiting for me with Chloe in his arms. Chloe had her light cream hair pulled up into a high ponytail with a casual outfit.

“I just decided to take this little one here.” Dad says smiling at my sister and bouncing her on his hip.

Chloe had her eyes wide open. It looked kind of creepy having a baby sister have two different color eyes look at you.

And that wasn’t the creepy part.

She kept a frightened look in her eyes.. looking directly at me.

I gave the child a small smile. In return she giggled, showing her developing teeth that aren’t fully showing out of her gums.

Dad unlocked the front door and pushed it open with his available hand. I follow behind him, fixing the twisted strap of my shoulder bag.

 I open the backseat door for Dad while he places Chloe in her car seat and adjusted the straps securely. Dad insists me to stay with Chloe in the car while he puts the stroller in the trunk. I decide to just sit in the back while my sister, just in case if she starts to cry or something.

I look over to her. She’s just staring straight ahead at the back of the driver’s seat. Like she’s having a vision. She gently pushes her head forward and turns her small head toward me.

Once again, I flash a smile and earning another cute giggle from her.

Dad opens his door and hops into his seat. He turns his head to Chloe and gives her the smile I have been giving her.

But oddly, she just stares.

No giggles.

Dad lets out a frustrated sigh and starts the car engine.

“How did you do that?” Dad asks, reversing the car out of the driveway.

“Do what Dad?”

 “To make her smile. Me and Lou tried doing that but she wouldn’t do anything. We literally tried everything. Even our baby voices!”

I think I found the reason why she won’t smile at them.

“Maybe she finds your baby voice very creepy. I know it creeps me out.”

“Darcy.” He scolded in a dark voice.

“Sorry” I mumbled. Dad has also gotten stricter over the times. He is always cautious on what I do.

Especially with Joe.

Don’t get me wrong, I am 100% sure that he supports me and Joe. But I just want him to understand that I am growing up now and be able to solve my own problems. Besides, me and Joe aren’t those kind of couples who you see making out in the middle of the hallways. By the word couple, I mean by being there for him and supporting him no matter what.

I Spy with my Little Green Eye ➳ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now