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“Hey Babe”

The nickname made my stomach erupt with butterflies. Cheesy, I know. I look at Daddy to see him already staring at me with an excited expression.

He didn’t like me and Joe together though..

He loved us.

“Darcy..?” Joe asked through the phone.

“Oh! Hi Joe, sorry my.. Dad was calling me” Daddy rolled his eyes teasingly.

“It’s alright babe. How are you?”

“I’m doing great. And you?”

“Good, good.. I also found something that you would like to hear..” His voice was a little shaky.. he sounds like this when he’s scared or something.

“What’d you find?”

“Look, before I tell you, please don’t get mad I was just curious.”

I sighed. “It could not be any weirder than what happened to me in the car earlier.”

“Whatever happened, this has to be much more weird…er.”

“Just get to the point Joe”

“So I have been researching about your sister’s eyes..”

“Joe! What did I say about this! I- -“

“Darcy, please listen to me! She might have powers



“Says here that babies born with two different color eyes have some sort of condition where they see stuff”

He had to say the word condition.


“I’m being serious! Something’s up with that eye. It’s like something’s telling me to do something about it.”

“And what are you supposed to do?”

“At least research! Darcy please, there is more.”

“Fine. Continue.”

“Alright. It’s possible that she had gotten the different colors from your ancestors.. or from someone in your current family. She just can’t have a random green and blue eyes. It has to be there for a reason.”

“But the doctors haven’t told me or my parents about anything. They would have told us.”

“Baby listen to me. I’m just warning you for future causes. I don’t want you crying to me about how I haven’t warned you.”

I scoffed. “Nothing bad is going to happen babe! Trust me, I will be fine. I’m glad you really care about me.”

Daddy scoffs.

“Alrighy..I’m going to go now.” I could hear his smile through the phone. Ironic, I know. I just know him like that.

“Okie Dokie! Bye Babe.”

“Bye .. I love you.”

 “Love you too.”

“Love you too.”

I take the phone off of my ear and place it on my vanity. I trust Joe with all my heart but I’m not really sure if I can trust him with this.

“So what happened in the car?” Daddy suddenly asked. I walked over to my bed and sat in a criss-crossed form to face my father.

I Spy with my Little Green Eye ➳ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now