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I finally got home, Joe dropping me off at my door. I took out the house keys from my pocket and entered the key into the lock. After a few turns of the key, I finally unlocked the door. I opened the door with only a small space where my head can fit and I peeked in my head to look around.

I smiled as I saw Dad frying something in the stove. About 5 seconds later, he noticed me at the door, smiling as well. I walked in the house, locking the door behind me and hanging my coat on the coat rack.

I looked at the living room and saw the Christmas tree up with all the ornaments with Daddy hovering over it, trying to put the star on the top.

“Welcome home, Darcy” Dad greeted as I walked over to him. I went on my tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek, walking over to the living room.

I walked to Daddy, holding on to his shoulders and giving him a kiss on the cheek as well.

“What’s for dinner Dad?” I ask as I return to the kitchen and stand next to him.

“We are having Chicken with pasta. Pass me the garlic please.” I nod and walk over to the cabinet a few feet away from him and open it to find the garlic right in front of me. I grab it and place it next to the stove.

“Thanks, Little D.” He mumbles as a smirk appears on his face because he knows it makes me mad when he calls me that.

“Don’t call me that!” I whined only to hear him and Daddy burst out with laughter.

I went up the stairs, not going to my room, but to my lovely family member who doesn’t call me inappropriate names.

I knock softly on Chloe’s door to hear a small “come in”. I opened the door gently and saw Chloe curled up in a corner, reading a book that she looks like she’s really into.

 Chloe is the biggest book worm that I have ever met. Dad and Daddy were getting so impatient with her reading so many books and not knowing where to store it, that they bought her a big white bookshelf. I have to admit, it fits her room pretty well.

And she’s only 5!!

She talks fluently too. She acts very – and I mean VERY –mature for her age.

“Hi Chloe” I greeted. I smile warmly as she looks up to me, places her bookmark on the page she was reading and rushes over to me and swings her arms around my knees. 

I bent down and lifted her off the ground to fully give her a hug. She hugs my neck and buries her face into my neck. Just like what I did with Joe earlier. I carried her to her bed - which was the size of my own bed – and sat her down on my lap.

“How was your day at Daycare?”I say into the top of her head as I rub my hand on her back in wide circles.

I heard soft sniffles from her when I asked her what was wrong.

“T-they we-were mean to m-me ag-again” She choked out from her sobs.

Chloe didn’t get along with people from her Daycare.


Because she had a different feature from all the other older kids, who made fun of her.

She had two color eyes. It was rare for other kids to have a green and a blue eye. She also had come home multiple times crying from those same kids who had called her names and saying that she doesn’t have any friends.

“What did they say baby?” I cooed, holding her tighter. She took a deep breath and brought up her wrist to wipe away some tears. 

“They said that.. They said that my family members don’t love me because I’m worthless and … different.” She said in almost a whisper.

Not only these insults hurt her, but I felt like a truck had run over me just by hearing that kids would say these cruel and disgusting things to my little sister.

“You love me… Right?” She said as she looked up at me with her eyes shining and a little bit red from crying her eyes out.

I squeezed her tightly into my chest, rubbing her back, “Of course I love you. You aren’t worthless just because of your eyes...” I looked around as if I was checking if anyone was there. “Your eyes make you extra special” I whispered.

Her face lit up with amusement.

“DINNER IS READY” Dad yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Chloe almost flew out of my lap and grabbed my wrist. We ran to the kitchen, taking our seats at the dinner table. 

A bowl of pasta was equally served right in front of us; it had garlic with pieces of chicken in it with a side of bread.

I look over to my little sister who is already swallowing the 4th bite. Daddy is on the phone on a social network and turns his phone off right with Dad joins us in the table.

“How was your day D?” Dad asked as he took his first bite. I ignored the nickname this time and answered “Good.”

“And yours, Chloe?” I turn to Chloe who looked up with wide eyes and a piece of chicken hanging out of her mouth.

“It was… okay.” She mumbled after she swallowed her food.

 “Just okay?” Daddy asked as he joined the conversation. Chloe nodded and looked down at her plate to continue eating. 

“Did you make any friends yet?” Daddy asked, with a little hope in his tone of voice.

“I… I have friends.” Chloe protested with frustration.

Dad sighed. “But Chloe, they are imaginary friends, not real life ones.” Dad continued. “You need to make friends in Daycare. Not only reading and practicing to write.”

I look at Chloe who has her head hung low and her lip between her teeth. A drop of a tear fell down her face, landing on her lap.

“I can’t” she whispered.

“Why not?” Daddy asked, about to raise his voice. I signal Daddy to lower his voice. His expression drops and seems to understand what is going on with Chloe.

“Excuse me” She mumbles as she runs out of the table to the stairs. In cause of the silence, we hear a soft thud that she had closed her bedroom door.

Daddy sighs and continues eating and so do I. Dad glares at me.

For about a few very, very, long minutes.

“Do you know about what’s going on with your sister?” He sneers, almost sounding like he is growling like a hungry, angry, tiger.

“No” I lied. I wasn’t sure if Chloe wanted me to tell Dad or Daddy about how she’s getting bullied every day.

Dad’s jaw clenched. His eye brows knitting together and this is how I know that he is pissed off.

 “Look Baby, please be gentle with Chloe. She might be in a rough phase right now because you guys expect her to have friends. Let her be” Daddy soothed, rubbing Dad’s back.

Dad seemed to relax a bit. He let out an exaggerated sigh.

“Darcy, please go to Chloe and send her down at the table” Dad ordered softly.

 I nodded and got up from the table to go to my little sister’s room once again.


SUPRISE!! New update!!

Poor Chloe :( 

Hope you enjoyed this update!!


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