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Things have been going normal since that day since Dad had almost gone crazy just because Daddy didn’t tell him what was wrong. Dad didn’t have those tantrums anymore... or from what I know.  

But that was around a few years ago. I’m 16 and still not able to drive because Daddy doesn’t want me to wreck the car the first day I get it. Chloe had just turned 5 about a month ago. I would expect her to be very social at day care and home but… she’s very quiet.

Don’t get me wrong, Chloe does have friends…

But they don’t exist.

Also known as imaginary friends.

Me?  Things have been going better for me because I have more friends than I used to have. Joe joined the Soccer team and I came to every one of his games, which lead me to meet lots of cheerleaders who are fans of my parents.

Once I got to know them more, I have noticed that they weren’t my friends just for my parents, they were my friends because of me.

Speaking of friends, I still talk to Scarlet, Michelle, Katrina, Tiana and Lily. They haven’t changed a bit.

“Darcy!” Tiana’s voice yelled from behind me, causing me to jump in surprise and snapping me from my thoughts.

“You scared the crap out of me!” I yelled. The girls laughed along with Tiana while I just grinned.

We were all sitting in a round table and we were supposed to do a group project. But as always, we just talk.

“Darcy, we were talking about something really cool that we should do.” Scarlet commented.

 'What is it?” I asked.

“We should all have a sleepover at your house!” Tiana squealed. The girls all squealed with Tiana but ended up being shushed by the teacher. They squealed again but more like in a whisper form.

A sleepover at my house? That wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Daddy would most likely say yes, but the real problem is… What will Dad say?

I smiled wide and said “We should so do that! I’ll ask my parents tonight!”

Once again my friends and I whisper squealed.

“Yes! I finally get to smell Harry Styles!” Lily said a little too loudly. We all looked at her causing her to blush a deep red and smile uncontrollably.

“It must be hard to live in a house full of hot people Darcy. Is it?” Katrina asked, leaning forward toward me.

I shivered to the weird feeling of my friends calling my parents the term hot. Some people tell me that they want to make out with my Dad and they think it’s totally normal telling me that. Sometimes they tell me worse things but I really don’t want to go there.

“It would be funny if she thinks her parents are hot” Michelle joked making everyone laugh.

“Not true!” I protested. “I just think they are cute for each other, doesn’t mean I think my parents are cute! Gross.

“You are like the only person I know who doesn’t think that Harry Styles or Louis Tomlinson is hot.” Lily said, while everyone just agreed.

“That’s because I’m their daughter and no daughter thinks that her parents are… cute.”

“Whatever you say Darcy.” Tiana teased.


The day passed by slowly but finally came to an end. I walk home now and I actually look forward to it because whenever Joe didn’t have practice, he’d walk with me. 

He would wait for me outside the school’s entrance talking to the huge group of friends he has.

I rushed down the school’s stairs and pushed the glass doors open with a strong wind blowing through my hair. I turn my gaze to a figure on his phone with hair on his face. I smile widely as I speed walk to him and recognize his oversized red sweater. He was also wearing his grey beanie I gave him for his birthday that he’d wear whenever he could.

I swung my arms around his shoulders and dug my face in the crook of his neck. Joe let out a chuckle, spinning me around to face him.

“How’s my girl?” he whispered into my ear. I could almost hear his smile.

“I’m good. You?” I said, with my voice muffled against his sweater as I smiled as well.

“Happy to see you as always.”

I smiled to the point where I couldn’t stop. We both walked hand in hand talking about our day.

“So the girls want to have a sleepover at my house. Now they think that I think that my own parents are hot.”

Joe laughed. “Do you think that they are hot?”

“Absolutely not!” I said out loud. “What kind of friends think that their best friend’s parents are hot?!” I said, smiling at the jokes they made earlier.

 “Not to sound weird or anything but they have beautiful eyes.” Joe murmured as if he didn’t want me to hear that.

“Not you too!” I whined. Joe let out his famous smile that I loved and put his arm around me. His grip tightens which always made me feel safe and secure.

“You’re freezing.” He whispers. “Hold on” He says as we stop walking. He takes his arm away from my waist and slips his pale grey mittens off. He takes each of my hands to put on the mittens. Joe pulls off his beanie, places it on the crown of my head and adjusts it to the best fit.

I smile “Thank you” I whisper. I stare into his eyes for the longest time; he puts his hand on my cheek, his thumb rubbing my cheekbone while he leans closer to my face.  

He puts his other hand on the opposite side of my face and kisses me gently. He ends the kiss and we just stare into each other’s eyes.

Suddenly, my ringtone makes us both jump. We giggle softly and answer the phone without checking the caller ID.


“Darcy! Where are you?” Daddy snaps through the phone.

Joe must have heard because he grabbed my hand and started to walk toward my community.

“I’m entering the community, I’m almost home.”

“Alright babe, come home soon. Dinner is almost ready.”

“Okay, bye Daddy”

“Bye babe.”

I press the “End” button on my phone and slipped it inside my back pocket.


I am soooooo sorry that I haven't updated in so long! 

So I shall give yu guys a Jarcy kiss :D


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