My Kingdom is Unhappy

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"Itsuki, I'd like just you and Inferno to greet the Prime Minister again today so go get dressed please." The Iron Queen said sadly with no chance of cheering up.
"Yes Milady, I'll go tell Inferno. Oh and another thing, the King of Ice will be ok I promise."
The Iron Queen didn't say anything back to Itsuki and looked down at the ground. Itsuki walked to Inferno's room and told him to get dressed then went into her room and did the same thing. Then the Dark King walked in to the main hall and up the small staircase to the Iron Queen's throne. He was standing next to her rubbing her back. She looked up then looked back down at her twiddling thumbs.
"You're still upset aren't you?"
"He's not him self. He's....different."
"Well I'll tell you what, I'll sit across from you and we'll have the King of Ice sit at the end of the table, sound good."
"Yes that's fine with me."
"Good, now cheer up I don't like it when your upset."
She gave a slight smile at the Dark King.
"That's better. Come on let's head down to the confrence room."
They walked down the staircase to the confrence room. Outside the King of Ice had come alone. He stopped to look at Itsuki and Inferno. He scoffed. "Pathetic, why are you even guards?"
Itsuki and Inferno turned around looking at the King while he walked into the castle. Inferno's hair lit up and fist swirled with fire. Wind blew fiercely through Itsuki's hair and leaves strongly revolved around fist. Both of them frowned behind the King's back.
"Hello Itsuki and Inferno." The Prime Minister said while walking up the steps.
"Hello sir, follow us please."
They went the same way as they did yesterday. Itsuki held one side of the door and Inferno held the other.
"Thank you both."
"Our pleasure sir." They shut the door and went on about their business.
"Are we all ok today?"
"Yes Prime Minister."
"Alright now I wanted to talk about Comhar's Cotillion coming up in three weeks. Whose going to host it."
"I will sire." The Iron Queen said while raising her hand.
"Perfect, dose everyone see fit to this?"
"Yes sire." Both Kings said
"Good. Well I'm not going to ask for comments so we'll just move on."
"Now I want to talk about trade-off's. Iron Queen, you've been on throne for 11 years, will you be trading you throne off?"
"No sire I won't and for two reasons. One: I have no offspring(s) to give the throne to.
Two: I don't want this kingdom plunging into chaos if I give it away."
"Seems fair. Well what about you King of Ice?"
"I'm keeping my throne, I'm keeping my castle and, I'm keeping my kingdom. That's it."
"Alright....and you Dark King."
"I'll have to get back to on that sir."
"What do you mean Dark King?"
"I still want to run my kingdom but my citizens are scared of me."
"Please Dark King, don't resign I'll miss having you as a colleague and dear friend." The Iron Queen said sadly.
"I am going to think about it Iron Queen."
"Now one last thing before we go a quick Elemental inspection. You first Dark King."
"Ok sire."
He held his arms out straight, his eyes turned bright yellow and his raven wings came out.
"Let me check your wingspan."
The Dark King spread his wings out. His wingspan was 11 ft.
"Alright. Dark matter."
He cuffed his hands as if he was holding an invisible sphere and a dark ball of energy started forming and kept getting larger and larger by the second until it was as big as a scale model of the earth in a science museum.
"Very good thank you Dark King you are dismissed. "
"You're welcome sire and thank you."
"It's your turn Iron Queen."
She put his fist together, iron covered her skin. She gained her wolf ears and tail.
"I see your knuckles are slightly rusted. What happened?"
"Take a random guess sire of what happened."
The Prime Minister looked over at the King of Ice than back at the Iron Queen.
"I see, well how's your ability to make objects."
"Just fine."
She thought for a minuet and decided that she should make a mini scale model of the Prime Minister.
"Wonderful. You're dismissed as well Iron Queen."
"You know what sire I'll stay and you can keep that figure."
"Ok rhank you and after all this is your kingdom. King of Ice, go ahead and start."
The King of Ice cracked his neck, exhaled, and frost covered his skin then froze over. His husky ears and tail appeared also.
"Alright, you can make objects as well, let's see one."
He made a kingly crown.
"Very good it defines you."
The King of Ice gave a slight smirk and when the Prime Minister turned around to get his royal robe and model the crown the King of Ice made turned into 5 separate daggers. He threw them at the queen and in the blink of and eye she uncased her Chokuto and shattered them all. She walked over to him and whispered to him, "You have to be faster than that." She started th walk out the door when she half way turned to the Prime Minister.
"I'll see you at the Catillion sire and hopefully we won't have a meeting with you twice in a week next year."
"Alright dear see you then."
The Iron Queen walked out of the confrence room followed by the Prime Minister then the King of Ice.
"See you later Prime Minister. " The two Kings said
"See you later." The Prime Minister said while exiting the Iron castle.
"You'll get what's coming to you Irona just you wait." The King of Ice whispered to the queen.
"That'll be the day." She whispered back.
He started to walk out of the castle and when he got to the door he turned around and smiled slyly at the Iron Queen.
"I noticed that you stayed in the confrence room. What happened?"
"The Prime Minister asked the King of Ice to make an object from ice. He made a crown but when the Prime Minister turned around he turned it into daggers and...."
"He threw them at you, then you destroyed them thanks to you quick reflexes and brilliant use of a Chokuto. Am I right?"
"Yes spot on. I swear your psychic."
"Sadly I am not but I know you all to well Iron Queen. I know what you'll do in situations like that."
"I know you very well too don't forget, well I'll be seeing you around ok."
"Ok see you later."
The Dark King went over to the balcony and went full Elemental then took off. The Iron Queen went to Itsuki's door and knocked.
"Hello Itsuki."
"Oh hello Milady. Are you alright now?"
"Yes dearest and thank you."
"For what Milady."
"Saying the King of Ice will be ok. That did make me feel a little better."
"Oh no trouble at all, and you might have to go check on Inferno. "
"Why is he alright?"
"Yes and no. He was crying but it wasn't about anything drastic."
"Alright, good night Itsuki I'll see you tomorrow. "
"Good night Milady. "
The Iron Queen closed Itsuki's door and turned around and knocked on Inferno's door.
"Who is it."
"It's the queen. Can I come in?"
"Itsuki told me something's wrong, do you want to talk about it?"
"Sure. I saw you crying yesterday and that makes me worry about you. I don't like it when your sad."
"Nobody like it when I'm sad. I don't even like when I'm sad. Do you want to know why."
"It's because it changes the moods of the people I care about like the Dark King and you."
"Well what about Itsuki."
"I think Itsuki's good nature prohibits her from becoming upset. When she sees me upset she does everything she can to give me space and try to cheer me up. I think that's why she doesn't get upset."
"Oh ok, I see now."
"Good, but don't worry about me so much I'll be ok ,always. No matter what got it?"
"Got it."
"Ok, good night I'll see you in the morning."
"See you in the morning Milady."
The Iron Queen shut Inferno's door and walked down the hall to her room and sat of her bed thinking, "I'm glad to have such caring Elemental guards like those two." The Iron Queen got herself ready for bed and started to drift off into a peaceful slumber feeling secure but still a little unhappy thinking about the King of Ice and why he did what he did today.

Thus end the Prime Minister's meeting. Hope you enjoyed it and come back later for more excitement.

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