My Kingdom is Alone

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   "Your Highness, come quick. The guards say they hear large footsteps coming towards the kingdom. " One of the weaponized guards said anxiously.
"Not again. I bet you every pound(£) in the village that it's the King of Ice."
"Just look please your Highness! "
"Fine. I'm about to change your position to Town Crier. Itsuki! Please come with me."
"Yes mam."
     The Iron Queen, Itsuki and, the guard went as quickly as they could down to the entrance again.
"Alright wise guy where's the monster?" The Iron Queen said sarcastically to the guard. Just then a huge shadow covered all three of them. They all looked up. The queen had her mouth wide open.
"Please Milady, close your mouth. I don't want you to catch a fly."
"I'm so dead Itsuki. What are we going to do?!?!" The Iron Queen said while grabbing Itsuki by her shoulders and shaking her. The huge monster was made out of ice standing the same height as a Spruce tree.
"GUARDS!! Take care of this monstrosity please."
"Yes your Highness. " They all said in salute then getting ready to attack.
"Itsuki I need to mental call the Dark King please try your best to evacuate the citizens to the lower chambers in the castle."
"Yes mam."
    The queen closed her eyes and thought about connecting her Elemental to the Dark King's. She was able to get a hold of him.
"Dark King, I need reinforcements at my kingdom. Can you and some of your soldiers come over?"
"I can't Iron Queen, the King of Ice sent little freaks-of-nature to attack my kingdom." At his kingdom were little snow goons that looked like vicious, rabid snowmen.
"Ok, I'll try to hold off as best as I can."
"Best of luck to you Iron Queen. "
"Same to you Dark King."
The queen ended her connection. Itsuki went back to where the Iron Queen was.
"What did the King say Milady?"
"His kingdom is being attacked as well. Are the citizens ok and are the guards having any luck?"
"Yes the citizens are fine but we need Inferno to help the guards."
As soon as Itsuki said that Inferno just arrived at the entrance.
"I got here as fast as I could what's going on?"
"The King of Ice sent this ice beast over here and the Dark King told me that there are snow goons at his kingdom."
"Oh, I see well let's take him down."
    All three of them went full Elemental. They gave it their all but sadly nothing worked.
"Milady, look on top of the monster's shoulder." Inferno said while pointing upward. On top the it's shoulder stood the King of Ice smirking as always. The beast put his hand up so he could  let the King down to the ground.
    "Well, well, well. How's your day going Iron Queen? Lovely I presume."
"I hate you, so much." The queen said grunting as hard as she could.
"Even though you're mad you're still beautiful to me."
"Why'd you bring the Dark King into this. He's a nice guy and has done nothing to you."
"Because if you go down the ones you care so deeply about will go down with you." The Iron Queen looked at him squinting. She formed a Otsuchi and rapidly swung at the King of Ice. He kept dodging every swing.
"Stand still you little weasel so I can pop you."
"You don't get it do you? Quit acting stupid, figure it out already."
"Just shut up please, I don't want to hear your voice anymore go away."
"Fine then have a fun trying to find me."
   He put his right hand up and a flurry of ice and snow swirled around him starting from his feet to his head and like that he was gone. The monster started walking into the kingdom crushing the empty buildings.
"Guards go back to the castle, find my Elemental chest and pick one to use I have no other choice. This is the only time I'm allowing this. "
"Right away your Highness." All the guards said seriously doing as she said.
" Itsuki, Inferno, we need to go to the Dark Kingdom and help the Dark King out."
"Yes mam, we're right behind you."
    The ran all the way to the Dark Kingdom and saw the chaos the was going on. They saw Kazami blowing away the snow goons in troves, and soldiers still fighting.
"You two stay here and help Kazami out. Im going to go find the Dark King." Both of them have a slight nod of the head and went to Kazami's side.
"Dark King?! Dark King?!" The Iron Queen called out worried. She saw his hand raise up from a pile of rubble. She went over and dug him out. She pulled him out and held him up.
"What happened?"
"They were too strong. " The Dark King said in a faint voice.
"Can you fly?"  He tried to move his wings.
"Ughh!" The Dark King couldn't move his left wing at all.
"I take it that you can't. Turn your Elemental halfway off and fight please. You're the only I can count on to help me."
"Alright. Just help me up."
     The Iron Queen did so and the King gained some strength back and then both of them were surrounded by 95 snow goons.
"You ready Iron Queen?"
"As I'll ever be."
The Dark King created Dark matter and blasted half of the on his side. While the Iron Queen created an *Odachi and ran from right to left on her side slicing them in half. Then all of a sudden every little snow goon gathered together from all different directions to become one. They became the same size as the beast in the Iron Kingdom.
"Dark King fall back the rest of us will take it down."
"Ok."  The King wearily.
"Does everyone have their full Elementals on?"  The queen shouted.
"Yes mam."  Itsuki, Inferno and, Kazami said.
"Alright, hit him with all you've got. Me and Itsuki will attack it first then Inferno and Kazami you two will give the last blow."
     Itsuki turned her forearm into bark and enlarged them the Iron Queen did the same with her's but changed the density to cartridge brass. The queen took out its legs and Itsuki took out his arms. It fell with a thud, but he was able to regenerate them back. It stood up once again.
"Take you hit Inferno and Kazami."
Kazami put a huge tornado around the giant snow goon and Inferno blasted a scorching hot spiral of fire into the the tornado. Minutes later Kazami dispersed her tornado. All that was left was steam. Everyone turned their Elementals off and walked over to the Dark King and sat down.
"This isn't the end everyone so rest up now in my castle please."  The King said beyond tired.
   The Elemental guards got up and trudged to castle.
"The King of Ice dissappeared when he was at my kingdom."
"Did he say anything?"
"He said, 'You don't get it do you? Quit acting stupid. When are you going to figure it out? ' I don't know what he meant by that but I'll try to figure it out."
"I know you will because your brilliant."
"Thanks."  The queen said with a slight chukle and smile at the Dark King. They both stayed out side in wait for anything else to happen.

Thus ends part one of the attack on the two kingdoms. The final chapter is closer than you think so tune in later. 😉

*Odachi: A very long Tachi which is a big sword worn with the edge downward.

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