The Devil Husband

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By Alice_Antoinette


Nothing else is more important for Allison but to be called Mrs. Allison Denise Cirstobal-Santiago. She wanted Henry Nathaniel Santiago, a very influential, filthy rich, and oozing hot bachelor, more than anything else. He was the man of her dreams, the man who will definitely bring her happiness, and the man that will-- someday-- love her. At least, that's what she thinks. Henry is in a steady relationship with Christine and since Allison is one determined, or should I say desperate, lady, she made a way to have Henry for herself. It seemed like fate was on her side, one night, she witnessed a scene that will make her rival disappear from her sight so she made a move and made her rival disappear. And with just a little bit of sweet words and pleading to her dad, a very, as in very successful business tycoon, she got to marry Henry. Pretty easy? Nah, she is yet to meet hell. A hell with her 'devil husband'.

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