The Heir

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The boy had been waiting for this day to come all his life

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The boy had been waiting for this day to come all his life. From the day he had first wobbled onto a toy broomstick, a gift from his Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron on his first birthday, his whole family had been ecstatically awaiting his debut at Hogwarts. James knew in his gut that today was the day as he saw Eleusis, the family owl, flying a few meters from the window sill, letter clutched in her strong beak. Eleusis landed clumsily on the window, sending her snowy feathers into a flurry all over the kitchen. James chuckled to himself, taking the letter from her beak, giving her a loving pat of thanks, and brushing a few of the feathers off his toast. In that moment, James's mother made her way down the stairs, eyes widening upon seeing the letter. "By god, James, it seems your letter is finally here." Ginny ruffled her son's sloppy black hair, squeezing his shoulder gently.

"HARRY, DEAR, WHERE ARE YOU? DID YOU HEAR!" Ginny proceeded to pull her husband down the stairs after her, catching her foot slightly and causing her husband to smile gently.

"After all these years, still clumsy around me," Harry whispered to his wife, causing her to blush and slap his arm playfully. Harry looked to his son, seeing the letter in his hands, "Is that your Hogwarts letter? Well, it's about time. Congratulations, son." James nodded to his father, smiling with a gleam of mischief in his eyes.

His parents gathered around the table and watched as he broke the purple seal. He felt his heart pound as he took the parchment out of the envelope. He was about to start reading when suddenly, Teddy and Victoire burst into the kitchen. Teddy, being a playful metamorphmagus, had turned his usual reddish-brown hair and light brown eyes to a silvery blonde with blue eyes to mock Victoire who was giggling from her perch on his back. She always pretended to hate it when he did that, and insisted on calling him Victor until he allowed it to return to normal. Victoire was a light hearted witch, always grinning which made her beautiful features from her Veela heritage even more striking. Upon seeing her cousin, she ran and threw her arms around him in a rather stiff hug. She waved to her aunt and uncle, still oblivious to the activities going on across the table.

Teddy, however, caught on rather quickly, "Ah, seems that someone's finally gotten his letter."

"Well, it had to happen eventually," James smirked. Teddy raised an eyebrow, glad that James—who was practically his brother—shared his mischievous attitude.

Victoire practically bounced, "Oh! I can't wait for you to be at Hogwarts with us, James! At first, it will be a little odd for you, I mean, being a Potter and all-"

" No, it won't, Torie. It is going to be bloody hilarious! I mean, can you imagine his face?" Teddy laughed, morphing into his version of a startled James. However, his laughing ceased abruptly when he saw the daggers Harry and Ginny were glaring at him, and he quickly returned his features to normal. James laughed at Teddy but furrowed his brow in confusion. "Victoire, Teddy, what do you mean, because I'm a Potter?"

Harry winced, "Oh, I'll tell you later James, don't worry about it." For James, this was not the first time he had found some things about his parents slightly odd. His mother had been a professional Quidditch player for the Holyhead Harpies, and was now a Quidditch correspondent for the Daily Prophet. His father was the Head of the Auror Office. He had always thought that these were the reasons for people's stares and whispers. However, at the age of eleven, James was beginning to realize there had to be something more behind it. He was sure that he would be able to get it out of Teddy or Victoire though, who seemed to know much more than he did. Growing up, Teddy, Victoire, and James had been very close. The adults often called them numbers one, two, and three, after the successive years in which they had been born. Teddy had been raised by his grandmother, Andromeda, but more often than not, he was at the Potters' with his godfather Harry. From the time he was about eight, he had his own room and all his favorite belongings were at the Potters' home in Godric's Hollow. Victoire was also constantly around. Her parents Bill and Fleur had moved to Godric's Hollow, shortly after her birth, and she had quickly gotten in the habit of toddling over to her cousin's house, just across the street.

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