Two Christmases

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Mercifully, just enough students decided to stay at Hogwarts over Christmas that there was room to breathe on the Express. Overall, returning to the Manor from Hogwarts was a much better trip than their original journey to school, and Bel, Cat, and Scorpius were even able to snag their own compartment. They piled into the compartment, slid over to the window, and piled their trunks onto the empty seats in an attempt to discourage compartment-crashers.

For a few minutes they spoke about Christmas at home, discussing the odds of Scorpius getting a new broom in anticipation of House try-outs next year (high), and the odds of Cat's parents actually showing up this year (extremely low—last year they had actually sent her a skirt, which was currently being used to line Snowball's bed). Soon enough the clamor of students moving through the train settled down as they found their own compartments, and the lurch that signaled the beginning of their journey home ran through the carriages.

When they were sure that all of the students on the train had found compartments, and their privacy was ensured, Cat brought out the rolls of parchment containing their research so far. The plan was to name drop over break, and see if any of the names brought reactions from the adults. It would also help them to make sense of any conversations they just happened to overhear. They spread the rolls over their knees as they huddled by the window, still whispering even though they were alone. Even without An Account of the Second Wizarding War: The Movements and Atrocities of Death Eaters, they had still made some progress since the disastrous night in the library when they had just avoided being caught by Jacob, before they had even reached the Restricted Section. Their notes were mostly in Cat's somewhat messy handwriting, and took up two and a half rolls of slightly crumpled parchment.

Death Eaters and wives

Narcissa Black no disappearance (and a stupid idea)

Bellatrix Lestrange - 6 months in 1997-98

Alecto Carrow - 3 months in mid 1997 Please no!

Acamar Avery - January 1998 Not long enough

Mirach Dolohov

Bunda Gibbon

Sheratan Jugson - February-April 1998 I think Im older than that

Aludra Selwyn
Nashira Rowle - 3 months 1997-98

Navi Travers - October 1997

Minkar Macnair - Never left the house

Nihal Rookwood

Vega Rosier Too old

Lesath Mulciber - December 1997

Alcyone Nott - January - March 1997 Probably too early

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