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Breakfast was always incredibly noisy, and because of this, the Great Hall was the perfect place to discuss the letter. James had been unable to sleep last night after the shocking revelation on the carriage ride, and had spent the last eight hours writing hundreds of drafts of the same letter by the glow of a single candle. Even before his roommates had fallen asleep, his bin had been overfilled with crumpled parchment balls and they had started to overflow onto the floor. James read what he desperately hoped would be the final draft before pushing it across the table, between a bleary-eyed Victoire and a disheveled Teddy. His friends did not look as if they had gotten any more sleep than he had, and looked about as awful as he felt.

Dear Dad,

Thank you for the map, you really can see everything on it. We watched it on the train, but something odd happened when we got here. The map got the name of a girl in our year wrong. Her first name was correct, but it showed a different last name for her. Does the map sometimes make mistakes? Is there any way to fix it?

Love you,


Victoire and Teddy read over the letter slowly. "Well, it's sort of vague, isn't it?" commented Victoire, before taking a bite of toast.

"He couldn't exactly say 'hey Dad, the map's great and all, but this girl showed up as Belladonna Riddle, and we think she's his daughter, but we have absolutely no proof. Could you come right now and deal with it? Oh, and by the way, I think that she's up to something nefarious that includes breaking into the Headmistress's Office and the Restricted Section.' That would go over real well, wouldn't it?" said Teddy sarcastically.

"I actually wrote a couple of drafts that sounded something like that," replied James. "But they all came out sounding just as mad as what Teddy just said. Besides, what could he possible do about it? Either he laughs it off, or he switches to Auror mode and comes charging over here to pull us all out of school, proof or not. I just ended up asking the questions we actually want answered, without giving away that something is wrong. I think it worked."

"I guess you're right James," sighed Victoire. "I can't think of an adult who would believe us and have the power to do anything. Uncle Harry might, but it's sort of out of his official jurisdiction, and McGonagall wouldn't consider the map a reliable source of information. At least he will tell us if he ever saw the map make a mistake. I say send it."

"Yes. If we post it today, we'll get an answer either tonight or tomorrow," agreed Teddy.

"Good. I'll post it after breakfast. Can I borrow Acelin? She's fastest, isn't she?" said James.

"Sure," replied Victoire, nodding her head. Acelin was her enormous Great Horned Owl. "Remember Slytherin is playing us later!" she called after James as he scoped up the letter, and headed to the Owlery.

A Harry Potter NextGen Story--Belladonna Black and the Book of NecromancyWhere stories live. Discover now