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Bel was unpleasantly roused from her four poster bed by an alarm clock that screeched, "IT'S YOUR FIRST DAY AT HOGWARTS! WOULDN'T WANT TO BE LATE," incessantly until everyone was out of their beds

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Bel was unpleasantly roused from her four poster bed by an alarm clock that screeched, "IT'S YOUR FIRST DAY AT HOGWARTS! WOULDN'T WANT TO BE LATE," incessantly until everyone was out of their beds. Although it had taken a bit to haul herself out of bed, Bel was thankful that she wasn't the only one who found it difficult to get up at six o'clock in the morning. One girl with long chestnut hair actually managed to ignore the cruel alarm for almost ten minutes.

She hadn't paid much attention to it the previous night, being completely exhausted, but now she was able to take good look at her new dormitory. The room was spacious, even with ten large green-draped four poster beds spaced along the walls. This was partially because the beds and accompanying wardrobes were tucked into little indentations in the wall, giving each girl at least some privacy, and leaving the center of the room clear. Other than the space, the second thing that Bel noticed about the room was how green it was. The carpet running along the length of the room was green and black, and it looked luxuriously thick and soft. The tapestries on the wall and beds were in emerald hues, and softened the harshness of the stone walls, floor, and ceiling. But most astonishingly, even the light was green. The flames in the fireplace burned emerald, and from outside the slitted windows high on the walls, the filtered light from the outside world was also green. Almost as if filtered through water...are we under the lake? No that's not possible...

Bel put on her uniform, still gazing in wonder at the room, and turned to see Cat still in her pajamas. "What are you doing, Cat? You should be getting dressed," Bel said, her heart sinking.

Cat crossed her arms defiantly and sat down on her unmade bed with an exasperated huff. "No way am I wearing that dingy old uniform. It's ridiculous. You can't look me in the eye and tell me you like it. Besides, do they actually expect us to wear skirts? Every single day?"

Bel rolled her eyes and reached into her trunk to grab her brush. It's not that they were that ugly—no, they weren't ugly— Cat just detested skirts, not that Bel liked them that much either. The shirts were plain white button-downs, and the grey wool sweaters were adorned with the Slytherin emblem. And robes...emerald green on the inside...she assumed were to be worn at all times, given the rather chilly mountain air outside. The skirts, however, were a different story. Pleats and all, they were going to look like muggle schoolgirls from decades ago.

"You're right, they definitely leave something to be desired. I don't like skirts much more than you do," Bel sighed, as she brushed her hair—somewhat unsuccessfully—but managed to tie it up behind her head in a sloppy ponytail. "But you still have to wear them today, whether you like it or not. Leave the inevitable skirt crusade until at least tomorrow, please." Bel grabbed the skirt from Cat's uniform off the ground and threw it at her. "We've had this conversation before, after Diagon Alley, remember? You promised to behave for the first few days. Come on, or Scorpius and I will just have to leave you."

Breakfast was pretty good, at least in Bel's opinion. Cat didn't like it because it had eggs—Cat didn't enjoy eggs—and she was still quietly fuming from the skirt debacle earlier. Scorpius was rather pleased with the uniform, and had even taken the time to make an effort with his hair instead of letting it hang over his eyes like normal. Of course the sight of Scorpius's nice black pants had elicited another round of barely audible growling from Cat.

A Harry Potter NextGen Story--Belladonna Black and the Book of NecromancyWhere stories live. Discover now