Chapter 3

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The sound of buzzing and something clattering around on my nightstand pulled me from sleep. I sat up and rubbed my bleary eyes. What time was it? From the look of the sun peeking through the blinds it was still morning—who the hell would wake me up so early?

I fumbled for the phone and glanced at the screen. Of course. My mother. I debated letting the call go to voicemail, but knew she would call repeatedly until I answered.

"Hello?" I answered, my voice raspy.

"Were you still asleep?" my mother asked in disbelief.

I paused. "'s, like, eight o'clock."

"Try just after eleven," she said. The disapproval evident in her voice. "What are you doing in bed so late?"

"Mom, we both know you didn't call to talk about my sleep patterns."

"Don't you get snippy with me, Josephine Reese."

I rolled my eyes, remaining silent on my end of the phone. My mother sighed in exasperation.

"You got what looks like two credit card bills in the mail? Do you want me to open them? Are you keeping up with things?"

I really needed to go paperless with my bills. "Mom, I'm 28 years old. Are you going to check up on if I'm paying my bills when I'm, like, 50?"

"You didn't answer the question, Reese." My mother harrumphed. "I guess that's answer enough."

"Mom, I've got this," I said. It drove me crazy that she felt the need to keep tabs on how I spent my money.

"It's okay to ask for help."

Yeah, just what I needed: to live off my parents' money, and give them even more reason to see me as the family disappointment. My brother, Aaron, worked alongside my father at his dental practice. My younger sister, Kayla, was in her first year of law school, and her twin sister Brynne was volunteering in Madagascar for a year before entering graduate school. I had a mere bachelor's degree in English, and currently worked in a bar.

"Mom, I said I've got this. Don't worry about me, okay?"

"Reese, it's a mother's job to worry. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now. You'll be at family brunch today, right?" she asked.

"Of course, Mom. I wouldn't miss it." Damn right I wouldn't miss it–it was a free meal!

"Alright, love you. See you then."

"Love you too," I said. I started to pull the phone away from my ear but heard my mother's tinny voice.

"Don't be too late."

"I make no promises. Love you, bye." I rushed to hang up before she could issue any stern threats.

After clicking off the call, I saw I had a few text messages from Quinn. Mortification and frustration washed over me as remembered meeting his girlfriend and faking an asthma attack the previous night. I groaned. I had to look at the messages some time.

Are you okay?????

Can you text me back?


If I don't hear back from you by noon tomorrow, I'm coming over there.

I checked my phone to see what time it was. 11:23. My thumbs hovered over the screen. Ugh, what the hell should I say? I sighed and slowly tapped out my message.

Hey, no worries! Please don't come over, I'm fine now. See you at work tomorrow!

I hit send and tossed my phone onto the nightstand. At least I could put that out of my mind for the time being and get into the right headspace for brunch with my family.

Hot Mess (LBSC #1) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now