Chapter 12

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The next morning I woke up ten minutes before my alarm would have gone off to wake me for yoga. Since it was Saturday and there was no class, I thought I would take the day to really evaluate where I was at in my life. I had intended to get Zoey's help, but I was sure she'd still be hanging out with Hayden.

I thought about turning over and going back to sleep, but as my eyes scanned my bedroom, I felt compelled to get up and clean. It was a complete mess, seeing as I never really tidied up unless I knew one of my relatives was coming over. And the last time anyone had been over had been months, at least. I stood up on the bed and moved through a sun salutation.

I got out of bed and glanced around my room with a grimace.

Where to begin?

I started by picking up various articles of clothing off the floor, sniffing each piece to see if it was clean or dirty. Once I made two large piles, I scooped up all of the dirty clothes and shoved them into the already-full hamper in my closet. I tidied my bed and piled the clean clothes on top of the comforter, then began the tedious task of folding them.

I couldn't continue working in these conditions; something was missing. Music! I plugged in my portable speakers and cued up some boybands. I danced around the room, shaking my hips to the beat as I folded, making smaller, neat piles on the bedspread.


I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned to the door where Zoey and Hayden stood gaping at me.

"Hi Roomie! Long time no see, Hayden," I said, immediately turning back to my folding.

Hayden cleared his throat. "I don't think I've ever seen you clean before."

"Yeah," Zoey added, her brow wrinkled. "Is your mom visiting?"

"No," I answered pointedly, even though it was a fair question. "I was just tired of the clutter."

Zoey looked around the room and nodded. "Well, it looks good so far."

I sighed. "Thanks."

She turned and whispered something to Hayden who waved at me before disappearing from the doorway. She came into the room, picked up a shirt, and began to fold it.

"I got your messages," she said.

My eyes remained glued to the pair of sweatpants I was folding. "Well, I'm glad you haven't changed your number."

Zoey dropped the shirt, took the pants from me, and gently sat me on the bed.

"Don't be like that, Reese. You know it's hard when I don't see Hayden for a while. But I'm sorry I went MIA. And I'm sorry Quinn said that stuff. What a jerk."

"And you know it's hard when I don't see you for a while. I know Hayden comes first, but it's still hard because I don't have anyone else who gets me like you do."

"Well, I'll try to be better," Zoey said. "I promise. So, what are we going to do about Quinn?"

I stood up and grabbed the discarded pair of pants from the floor. I shrugged. "Malcolm said I should drop him and move on."

Zoey raised an eyebrow. "Malcolm said that, huh? It seems like you and Malcolm have been hanging out quite a bit lately."

I glared at Zoey. "That's hardly the case. We met up at that Open House, and then he swung by the bar last night."

"But today's not Friday," Zoey pointed out.

"I told him I only got a friend vibe from him, okay? So he knows what's up."

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