Chapter 11

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"Zoey, I'm striking out all over the place!" I complained as before shoveling a forkful of pumpkin waffle into my mouth.

Despite the fact that I felt like I'd been hit by a Mack truck when I woke up and my inner thighs were covered with bruises, I forced myself out of bed. I got Zoey up and out as well and we pushed our aching bodies through a sadistic yoga session. We were now rewarding ourselves with waffles at a local diner since I was serious about boycotting Cuppa.

"The reunion is twenty-two days away and I've accomplished nothing. Not a single thing." I let my fork clatter to my plate and sat back in my seat.

"But you're trying; that's the important thing," Zoey replied.

"Ha! That's what Malcolm said."

Zoey's forehead creased. "Who's Malcolm?"

"You know that cute weirdo who comes into the bar and sits by himself that I told you about? I ran into him at the Open House and we started talking. He said the same thing—that it doesn't matter if I actually get anything done by the reunion."

"Malcolm sounds wise."

"I don't know about all that," I said. "But I did come up with this idea when I was talking to him."

Zoey raised one blonde eyebrow. "Part of me wants to know what the idea is, but the other part of me is too scared to ask. So please don't make me—out with it."

I glared at her. "Actually, he mentioned that it sounded like I had a really good support system. Then I said something about how I wish there was some kind of support group I could go to for people who are also making huge life changes. And that got me thinking, why don't I make a group like that?"

Zoey pursed her lips together thoughtfully as she pierced a piece of gingerbread waffle with her fork. "That's a lot tamer than where I thought you were headed with this, but you know, it's actually not a bad idea. Where would you hold it? How would you get people to come? What would you actually do?"

I held both hands out in front of me. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. I haven't thought that far yet. But really, you think it's a good idea?"

Zoey nodded. "Who knows, your group could be that support system for someone else who doesn't have one. But I recommend you sit down and think through the logistics first. But good job, Reese."

I couldn't stop the shit-eating grin spreading across my face. "Thanks, Zo, that means a lot."


After we finished our waffles, Zoey and I went our separate ways. She was so excited to see Hayden that she couldn't even be bothered to shower before she went to pick him up from the airport. Back in our apartment I showered–and thankfully didn't find any more gray hairs–and settled on my bed with my laptop and earbuds. I knew that as soon as Zoey picked up Hayden they'd be right back here, probably getting it on for God knows how long and I didn't want to see or hear any of that, but I was too exhausted and sore to leave the comfort of the apartment.

Talking to Zoey about my support group idea had brightened my spirits a little, so while I still had a buzz from her compliment I decided to tackle Task #3 (Find a Hot Date) and revisit Task #1 (Find a Big Girl Job). Task #2 (Perform a Feat of Awesomeness) could wait until I could feel my legs again.

Squashing my ego, I picked up my phone and found Jenna's number. I didn't want to admit that I'd been wrong about the Open House, but I could use her help with getting a foot in the door somewhere. I bit my lip, hoping I could leave a voicemail and not have to speak with her. I waited while the phone rang, pumping my fist in the air when I heard her voicemail message.

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