finding Diane

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Meliodas , Elizabeth and hawk started to go to a place to find some more booze(beer) and found a place where some people pulling a sword out of the ground."hey What's the festival for said Meliodas."does this look like a festival to you kid?"one of the villagers said.

Meliodas and Elizabeth looked to see a big sword in the ground.t- hey also found two drunk guards.the men tried to pull it out.mead came out and said "you guys are useless my friends the eight deadly sins can do it with out a sweat".all the villagers were saying that the eight deadly sins was the whole reason.A girl threw a rock a Mead but instead it hit Meliodas.a new villager chuckled and thought 'i like this kid but I never seen him before so why did he say he knew them like that '.

Meliodas pov
I see Mead (the kid) crying as the he is talking. I want to tell him that it's ok.but I guess he doesn't like talking about it every since that day(is that right oh well) so I signed.after we went back down we see two knights drinking ale and laughing as the villagers are trying to pull out the I took the ale and threw it to hawk.Then I remembered the kid said something about the white forest of we went there.
Then Meliodas being his pervert self he told all the Elizabeths to grab their boobs and jump one person didnt and she said sorry I can't do that and same went with hawk except,for grabbing the boobs part.then found Diane sleeping.lady Diane lady Diane "the imp called.sorry we let holy knights come in and Elizabeth said but we are not holy knights.then Diane picked up Meliodas and sophia to look at them."hey Diane it's been what 10 year" then Diane called captain and happily."it's nice to see you too Diane said Meliodas.then Diane started to cook hawk while hawk was yelling help.then that's when sir cotton candy came and fought Meliodas.then Meliodas asked where the sins were at then fought cotton candy again.

*That's all for today*

*That's all for today*

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