king wants a kiss?!

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Sophia's pov
After the talk with meli-- im mean captain last night i kinda felt like i was in a love triangle because meliodas says he loves me and king is always giving me a warmly smile and everytime i look at him,he blushes and looks away. I dont know who to pick. Anyway after i got my head together king geanbed my arm and sent me to his room. So now we are in his room. He told me that he loves me and will do anything to make me his. And i couldnt do nothing because meliodas was kinda saying the same thing. Then i was lost in thought.

King's pov
After i told sophia how i felt she was lost in thought so i kissed her?! I dont know why but sophia didnt kiss back so i grabbed her and she gasped. I finslly had a chance to put my tongue in her mouth. After 10 minutes of kissing i let go of her and we took huge loads of breath. She blushed and told me that she gad to go. Then she left and i blushed snd smirked. Then captain came in mad so i stopped smirking and looked innocent. He glared at me and yelled "STAY AWAY FROM SOPHIA SHE'S MINE!!". Then captain slamed the door while i just layed down and got some sleep before ban comes in here.

Meliodas pov
I felt the need to punch king because ehen sophia came out of king's room she was blushing and kept touching her lips. That got me mad so i went in king /ban's room and yelled at king. I seen him smirk but then his smirked dropped. I yelled "STAY AWAY FROM SOPHIA SHE'S MINE". Then i slamed the door and stormed to my room. Elizabeth asked me what was wrong and i said nothing then went to sleep.

Elizabeth's pov
I hope sir meliodas is ok.

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