sophia u ok?

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Meliodas's POV
We were going to go fight Hendrickson and Sophia's eyes started to change dull I asked her "r u OK" and she didn't answer so I got worried. Then out no where she attacked me so I thought "someone was controlling her". Diane tries to help her but she kicked Diane and she flew. King tied Sophia up with his bear and she broke loose. I ran to her and got in my fighting stance and I heard her say " help me". Then she came after me and I hugged her. I felt a glare and I looked and seen king glare at me then he looked away.

Sophia's POV
I was controlled and I had to fight my friends I felt so bad so as we went home my bangs covered my eyes and I guess king noticed and he asked what's wrong? I didn't say anything and walked in my room and closed the door.

Everyone's POV
What's wrong with Sophia, is she OK?

Sophia's POV
I wanted to sleep but I couldn't so I sung the song my mom sung me when I was little.

Everyone's POV
Wow she sounds so good....... It making me sleepy.

Narrator's POV
They all went to sleep after the song.

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