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Sophia's pov
I went for a walk and seen what looks like a doctors office. So i went inside to get some medicine. Then a women asked me what did i need. And i told her that i need some medicine's and she went to the cabinet and gave me some. Then she felt my head and was shocked. So i asked what was wrong and she told me i had a rare illness. Then she told me i was gonna die. So i told her ok and cried to the tavern. Then meliodas was worried and asked me whats wrong and i told him im gonna die soon. He was in disbelief and started to cry while everyone was shocked to hear the news. Then we had a celebration for my last few days left on this earth. Everyone was having fun then i started having flashbacks on when we met. Those were the good days. I will miss them all.

Meliodas pov
Im gonna miss sophia but she never even told me how she felt. I will always love her and shes always gonna be mine king will never have her.

King's pov
Im gonna miss her so much. I wish she would live longer but someone always dies when i love someone. *cries* why me i will miss her so much.

Elizabeth's pov
Im so happy shes leaving finally i can be with meliodas. Ugh she was always in the way.

What elizabeth's evil when did this happen.

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