Chapter 5: News

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August 28th 2011 11:24
Dear journal, it's been really hard with my husband gone and my daughter Piper. She has been missing for 4 days now. No sign of her except, these notes that appear randomly in my room. I've notified the police but whoever keeps writing it keeps sending me more threats saying that they are going to kill or torture Piper, and going to hurt our family like Mike, Phoebe, and Officer Morris. Also, I have no idea what to do with my husband. I want a divorce, but I haven't seen him since the night at the hospital. The reasons I want to a divorce is because I have found out that he has been cheating on me with his boss's daughter named Rachelle. Before he left the hospital he said that he'll try to keep in contact me. Just I am so scared. I have been scared to leave my house. I'm getting paranoid. There has been this officer helping us, but honestly I think he is hitting on me. And I think I am slowly liking him. His name is Officer Morris. He lets me call him by his first name, Darrel. I guess maybe Phoebe wont like it. She was a little devastated when I told him Ms. not Mrs. about the whole divorce thing. We've been together for almost 17 years! I just don't know what to do. So God, if you know I'm writing this or even possibly reading it, please, please help me and my family.
- Sincerely, Kimberly
Kimberly puts her journal away in her night stand drawer. She hears foot steps, a second later Phoebe comes in "Where is Why- oh never mind. Sorry. I'm starting to get paranoid."
"Honey, I know, me to. Whyatt's with me, I just want to be near him at all times."
"Mom, I'm really scared." Phoebe says starting to cry.
"Honey, me to." Kimberly says quietly.
Phoebe crawls on the bed next to Kimberly, gets under the blankets and turns on the TV. Flipping through the channels, the doorbell rings.
"Are you expecting anyone?"
"Hm, maybe it's Officer Morris."
"You know you can call him Darrel." Correcting Kimberly.
"I know, but I want to call him Officer Morris, and you will too." Kimberly walks down stairs and opens the door.
"Hello, Kimberly"
"Why, Hello. Come on in."
"I have some good news, and some bad news."
"Oh, okay"
"Thank you for letting me in. For some reason it is getting a little chilly out there. Well good news, I brought over some flowers for both of you guys."
" Aw, well thank you so much. So whats the bad news?" Kimberly asks while she walks into the kitchen to put the flowers on the counter. Officer Morris follows.
"Well, there is still good news. Someone said, particularly um, Mr. Moltz. Your neighbor thee doors down from you across the street said that he saw Piper get kidnapped. But that then brings us to the bad news, he said he wishes he did something but the guy was to fast before he could go out there and do anything to save her. By the time he got outside the van was gone. He'd try chasing but the van was going way to fast. When the police were going around the neighbor hood asking them if they saw or heard anything he confessed what happened. We asked why he didn't notify us sooner or talk to you guys, was because he was afraid that you guys would be mad at him and he thought he'd go to jail. He was scared. But he told us that he is very sorry he couldn't do anything. But he would be more than happy to help as much as he can. He said that the figure was definitely a male. He was wearing a mask, he didn't see what it looked like. But from behind he had black hair. Maybe about 6 ' 2, Caucasian. If that is any help to you. Which I am sure it is."
"Thank God! This is just great. Thank you so much. Really." Kimberly starts to cry happily. "Did he see what color the van was? Did he maybe get a glimpse at the license plate? If we can maybe look at the traffic cameras maybe we could find her that way. Or at least get closer. Please. Anything?"
"You know, you are smart. But I don't know if that would necessarily work, but we can possibly try, let me talk to my boss."
"Yes, thank you. Thank you so much."
Phoebe walks down stairs to see her mom and Officer Morris talking.
"Oh, Phoebe we have luck, well possibly"
"About, finding Piper?"
"Thank God." Phoebe says walking up to Kimberly, giving her a hug.
" Well, we'll have to see. I'll talk to my boss. I'll come back in a little with an answer. And I'll go over and ask Mr. Moltz those questions."
"Thank you so much, You've done a lot for us." She pauses. "Darrel." Kimberly smiles and gives Darrel a hug.
Darrel leaves to talk to Mr. Moltz

Knock knock, Knock Knock
" Hello?"
"Hi, I'm officer Morris, We have met just a few days ago."
" Yes, hello, what brings you here today?"
" Well, I have a few more questions, do you mind if I ask you just a few questions?"
"No, no, I don't." Mr. Moltz and Officer Morris walks to living room to sit and talk.
"Well, okay then. The first question is, do you remember what color the van was at all?
"I believe it was black."
"Okay, thank you, when you were chasing the van, did you get to see the license plate? A little glimpse maybe?"
"Um, all I remember there was, a 1, 3, and a B. That's it, I'm sorry. But how are they holding up?"
"Okay thank you. They are okay, getting through, but I believe they are okay."
"Oh, good."
"Yes, it is good."
"You like her don't you?"
"Excuse me?"
"Oh, well I don't think it's really any of your concern."
" Yeah, I know. I like her daughter, Phoebe. Known her for a few years, before she moved to California. Never had the guts to ask her on a date or anything. We went to school together. Kind of hung out, but not much. In high school. Very pretty. Funny."
"Yeah, uh, okay, well thank you for you time. If you have any questions, or concerns, please contact me. Here is my card."
"Okay sir. Thanks."
Officer Morris goes to the police station to talk to his boss.
Kimberly takes Whyatt to his crib and puts him down for a nap. She gets her journal and begins to write.

August 28th 2011 12:37
Dear Journal, some news has popped up today. Good news and bad news. Good news is that we might be able to find Piper. The neighbor Mr. Moltz saw the kidnapper, though not his face. Which is the bad news. He saw the van. Don't know what color yet, Officer Morris is going to find out. Man, I wish everything went back to normal. My husband here, never have cheated on me, Piper not missing. Why do you do this to me God? What did I ever do to deserve this. All I've ever done was good. Seriously?! I have no idea where my daughter or my husband is. Why would you do this to me? God if you want to punish someone don't let it be Piper. please keep her safe wherever she is.
-Sincerely, Kimberly.
Kimberly closes the journal as she is whipping her tears. She puts the Journal away, and lays down in her bed, pulls the covers on her and slowly cries herself asleep.

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