Chapter 7: Accidents Happen

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(1 year later)

"Mommy, where's Phoebe?"
"She went to the store, she'll be back in a little bit."
"Oh, okay." As he eats his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

2 hours later Kimberly gets a call while she is watching TV with Whyatt.

"Kimberly, you need to come to the hospital, right away." Officer Morris said.
"Why? What happened?"
"Phoebe has gotten into a car accident. It is pretty bad."
"Oh, okay. I'm on my way." She starts to tear up.
"Mommy, whats wrong?"
"We need to go the hospital honey."
"Why, mommy?"
"Phoebe got hurt really bad."
"Is she okay?"
"I don't know, we will have to find out. We need to go, so get your shoes on, okay."
"Okay, mommy." Whyatt goes to his room to put his shoes on.

They get into the car, and immediately drives to the hospital. They head into the waiting room, where they find Officer Morris sitting there waiting.

"Is she okay? What happened? How did this happen? Who did this?"
" She just went into surgery. She was unstable when she came in. There was a drunk driver who ran a stop sign who T-boned her. He died on impact and she was severely injured, they say it looks like brain injury."
They waited for about an hour. Whyatt sat playing with the toys. Officer Morris was comforting Kimberly. Kimberly was shook in fear as she waited to hear about her daughters fate.

" Ms. Hall." Dr. Grey said.
"Yes that's me."
"There were some complications, but we were able to stabilizer her for now."
"What is wrong with her?"
"She has suffered from Diffuse Axonal, as well as Anoxia. The symptoms is that her brain was pushed back by the force from the impact, which caused the brain tissue to tear. She was pinned down in the car in a way that prevented her from breathing, therefore her brain did not get enough oxygen."
"Will she make it?"
"She is in a comma at the moment, we do not know when she will wake up. We will give her a month before you have to choose whether we move her to a long term facility or to unplug."
"Okay, thank you Dr. Grey."
"Thank you, Dr. Grey. For all your hard work."
"Would you like to see her?"
"Yes, please." They get to the room. "Would she be able to hear me?"
"We aren't exactly sure."
Dr. Grey leaves the room.
" Hey honey, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you do, I just wanted to say I love you. And thank you a lot. You've done a lot for me and you didn't have to. You know if you want to choose to go, it's okay. I'll be okay with that. I want what's best for you." Kimberly starts to cry. Officer Morris rubs her back.
"I'll be okay, I'll be okay." As she whispers and cries. She moves her head onto Officer Morris shoulder.
"She'll get through."

(1 month later.)

"We need a decision today."
"We will take her to the long term facility center."
"Okay, all you have to do, is some paper work and sign a few things."
Kimberly takes the paper work and fills it out. She then returns it Dr. Grey.
"All you have to do is sign a few things now, and she is ready to go."
"Okay, thank you for everything, Dr. Grey."
"Your welcome."

They get to the facility center and register there room.
"Well Phoebe's, this is where you'll be staying. Till you wake up. Hopefully soon. Well, I need to go home and put Whyatt down for a nap. And pay bills. Woopie. Well, I'll be back in a bit. Okay?" She kisses Phoebe on the forehead and leaves the LTFC (Long Term Facility Center).

(15 minutes later)

"Mommy, I don't want to go down for a nap."
"You need to. Please?"
"What if I made your favorite cookies? Homemade Oreos?"
"Yes. Mommy. I'll get to bed. But make them when I'm sleeping." Whyatt hopped into bed and slowly falls asleep.
Kimberly starts making the cookies. 20 minutes later she puts the cookies in the oven. As she waits for the cookies to bake, she sits at the table with her laptop and piles of bills. She then starts going through the bills and starts paying them through the laptop.
A few moments later, the timer on the oven beeped. She gets the cookies and puts them away in the container.

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