Chapter 3: Why even try?

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As I was sleeping, my eyes still felt really heavy. I was dreaming. I was thinking of ways to escape. I was dreaming that I would escape and run my way home to be with my family. I was scared out of my mind. I woke up with the smell of pancakes. It smelled so good. I got up and walked to the door and opened it. It was unlocked. I started to follow the smell of pancakes. I was starving. I went downstairs to see nothing there except for a plate of pancakes. And a cup of milk. I walk towards it. I look around for the man who kidnapped me. He wasn't there. I didn't want to eat the pancakes, because I was afraid what was in it. And I didn't want the guy to hurt me. I tried to look around for a door to lead out. I saw no doors what so ever. I left the kitchen walking very Quigley and slowly, into the hallway. As I was walking into the hallway I saw doors that lead into other rooms, as I was supposing. I turned into another short hallway. I was thinking it might of been the living room, because there were a TV, couch, coffee table, some pictures. The pictures were of me. Me growing up till now. It had pictures of every birthday every holiday, every fun moments that I've had growing up. I turned and saw a door, I slowly walked up to it. I opened it, It was unlocked, I walk into another room, it had loads and loads of presents. I walk into the room. I then herd the door close.

"Hello, beautiful."

I did not reply not at all. I was so scared. My heart was pounding so hard that it felt like it was coming out of my chest. The man had the same mask on from what happened last night and when he first kidnaped me. I have no clue who he is.

"I said hello beautiful. Did you like the pancakes that I made. Or should I have made your favorite breakfast? Perhap say porridge, with toast and a cup of milk."

"How did you know that, that was my favorite?!"

"I know everything about you. Don't fool me wrong."

"No you don't!"

"Oh trust me, I do. I believe I know you more than yourself knows you."

"Ha, I dought that"

"Really? Your favorite color is light blue, and purple, you love porridge for breakfast, for lunch its egg salad sandwich, your favorite dinner is Chinese food. You love to hang out with your sister Phoebe. And your best friends Pru, and Luke. You like to write books and loves to cook. You even know me, but you don't know who it is right now, you have no idea because I've been wearing this mask. Your grams passed away a year ago. Your favorite style of close are sweats, never jeans, only on occasions. You like wearing sweaters as well, baggy ones though, sometimes thin ones. You want to die your hair really bad. I wanna say you wanted either red tips, red highlights, or under your long blonde hair. Am I right or what? Should I go on anymore?"

"How did you-"

"Do what, know you better than you know yourself?"

"Have you been stalking me. You creep. Who the heck are you? Let me go now. Where you the one who put that note in my backpack?"

"Yes, I did. I thought you would of gotten the message, but I clearly see that you didn't."

"I want to go, let me go, NOW!!"

"Why? Do you want to run away from home?"

"This is not my home. Never have, and never will. I want to go home. With my mom and dad NOW!" I cried.

"NO!" He shouts.

"Oh really, how about this you stupid head" I kicked him in the spot where every guy does not like to get hit at.

I ran away from him, and opened all the doors I saw to see if it lead to outside. I opened one. I found one that lead outside. I quickly ran out there. I ended up in the middle of the woods. I ran in one direction. Ran as fast and as far I could, but I was soon out of breath, my legs were getting so tired. As I was running, I looked behind me to the figure after me. I tripped over a root from a tree. I hit my head really hard on the tree. I soon then pass out while the figure was catching up to me. I closed my eyes, seeing stars and blackness.

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