Grace Lily Potter

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Okay so this is my first story please comment and vote so I know what you think ;) I do not own any characters apart from Grace Lily Potter these rights belong to our queen J.K Rowling.
Chapter 1

Grace's POV

Ugghh I sighed to myself as I heard the bell sound. My name is Grace I was brought to this orphanage when I was just maybe a year old. I know nothing about where I came from or who my family were. But then again not many people here at the orphanage know much about themselves.I hate it here and the people hate me they call me a freak or wierdo. But then again I hate them too. Here at the orphage it's awful they hurt us, me the worst because I'm different. But it's better than the foster family I was with... I shudder even to think about them. Today is my 10th birthday but as they say no rest for the wicked.

I scrambled out of bed quickly so as Mrs Patman wouldn't come and get me. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I had beautiful red curly hair and green almound shaped eyes. However I've learnt that I can change my appearance at will. But I've learnt not to do this as it earns me extra beatings.

I quickly hurried downstairs and got too work on making the breakfast so when Mrs Patman comes down she can eat. I have learnt to control my temper because when I get angry things happen like lightbulbs smash or stuff explodes that also gets me into a lot of trouble. "Grace" sreamed Mrs Patman. I shook my head suddenly jerked back into reality. "YYeess" I stammered.

"Is that my sausages and eggs I can smell burning????" she screamed in reply.

"Ummm y..yy..yeee..yess miss sorry miss" I stuttered.

"Sorry will not do you ungrateful little brat!" she shouted all of a sudden she got the kitchen knife and slashed me across the arm 3 times on each arm. "Go to your room NOW!!!!"  she said after she had finished. I nodded meekly and ran up to my room. My room was at the very top of the house far away from every where else I liked it there I felt safe most of the time when I was in there. I heard some pounding footsteps coming up the creaking old attic stairs. Oh no I thought Mrs Patman coming to get me. I huddled in the corner of my room furthest away from the door and prayed that the door would not open. 

I looked at my arms that had earlier been slashed open, I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and imagined my arms clean without the cuts. It worked I opened my eyes and my arms looked normal again. However I knew the cuts had been deep and I could not heal without a lot of effort they were merely covered away from human eyes. 


I didn't answer in fear of what might happen if I did so I stayed silent. Finally after about 10 minutes the door crashed down. "You did that you freak it's all your fault" she whispered her voice dangerously low. She reached out and slapped me hard acroos my face then she undid her belt from her tight jeans and whipped me with it I whimpered she carried on until I passed out.


It was about three days after the incident I thought and Mrs Patman had not given me too much trouble just the odd whipping here and there. Until one day she called me down from my room. "You have a visitor" she whispered unpleasantly. This got my heart racing maybe a long lost family member come to rescue me I'd never had a visitor before... But I knew better than to dream. So I follwed Mrs Patmoor into her office. There I saw a man all dressed in black, he even black eyes that looked like tunnels that you could get lost in. I glanced down at my feet suddenly finding them very interesting, I new it was rude to stare. " I'll take her" he said coldly and emotionlessly. 

"Really??? She's a lot of trouble??" said Mrs Patman uncertaintly she would lose her best target for beating if I left.

"Yes really" he said again coldly.

"Well alright then..." she hestitantly "Go and collect your things" she snapped at me.

Snapes POV

I couldn't believe Dumbledore had talked me into this I thought I recalled that day I had agreed.

"Ahhh hello Severus" said an old man with crystal blue twinkling and long white beard.

"You wanted to see me" he sneered

" Ahhh yes I was thinking you could.." he seemed to be thinking how to phrase his sentance " you could do me a favour yes a favour"

"What?" he replied idly expecting some sort of errand

" Would you pherhaps be interested in adopting.... a child..." he questioned

I nearly did a double take " adopt a child, Albus you know how much I deteste the brats"

" Now now Severus none of the other Professers will do it please Severus it's James and Lily's child" Albus pleaded


" It is not their son but their daughter, Severus it's James and Lily's daughter she is a year younger than their son Harry she lives in an orphanage not many people know of her exsistance she also survived Voldermorts curse she is I believe that she is showing too strong signs of magic too carry on living in the muggle world. She needs someone to take care of her." said Dumbledore calmly.

"The Weasleys' could they not take her?" inquired Severus.

"I could not ask that much of them they already have 7 children Severus please you are my last hope." Dumbledore pleaded again.

"Fine" I said irritated.

So now here I was here to adopt this brat or child. When I saw her I couldn't believe she was 10 she looked 6 or 7. She was as thin as a stick and her face was gaunt and she looked tired. She had a constant look fear in her eyes. I pityed the child I had not had the best upbringing myself. She had a look of hope in her eyes when I told her that I had come to adopt her. Only time would tell how I would cope.

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