Chapter 7- More dreams

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Okay so yeah this is really slow moving there's only been like 2 days. I've only just realised sorry. I will try and move along a bit faster I promise. Please comment and vote ;) Enjoy...........

Albus' POV

I just finished seeing Quirell about the Defence against the Dark Arts job. He seemed nice enough but with that awful stutter he said it was hard getting a job anywhere despite his great acheivements. I sat down at my desk knowing that Severus and Grace would be here any minute. I did wonder how they'd ever get along. Grace did look so much like Lily but I really needed Severus to look after her. I sighed and heard a knocking on my door, "Enter" I called cheerily. Knowing that this would probably be a far from cheery visit. But before I could even speak Grace spoke up, "I'm really sorry about earlier, Professor Dumbledore please accept these as an apology." and with that a bag of Sherbet Lemons appeared in her hand. I looked up at Severus a flicker of amusment and shock came across his eyes. However it was gone as soon as it came. She handed them to me.

"They're your favourite aren't they?" she asked earnestly.

"They most certainly are but how did you know my dear child?" I answered.

"Well you told me didn't you?" she asked clearly confused.

"No, I am almost certain that I didn't but I maybe wrong please do tell me how you found out?" I said my eyes twinkling.

"Well I was standing here and whilst I was apologising I was desperately wondering what to get you but I didn't know what you liked. So then this voice came into my head and said Isn't it obvious Sherbet Lemons that was obiously you so I thought of some sherbet lemons in my hand to give ot you and there they were." she said as if she was simply asking about the weather.

"Well that was very clever of you but I did not enter you mind like that," I paused and gave Severus a questioning look he shook his head back at me "but whoever did definately knows my favourite type of sweets." I winked. She giggled. 

"Now why don't you go and explore the castle." I said.

She nodded excitedly and skipped out the door. When she had gone I locked the door and put a sound proof spell. I looked gravely at Severus. "Who was in her head?" I asked simply.

Severus shrugged "I don't know but it's not the first time its happened."

I raised my eyebrows. Severus continued "I was chasing after her into the forest and I called out her name. But she didn't reply and all of a sudden a voice in my head said Leave me alone Severus she had bronken through all my defences and didn't even batter and eyelid. Most adults would be exhausted getting through the first few but not her. Then I took her hand saying we must go up to your office. But as she took my hand I felt a sensation in my dark mark but it was gone as quickly as it came." he finished. I frowned no it couldn't be right. Voldermort couldn't be inside her head. "Start teaching her occumlecy, some time later this week  make sure she is rested." I warned. That was all we could do for now, so I dismissed Severus from my office and started on some work for next year.

Grace's POV
Dumbledore had sent me to explore the castle.  I was so excited well everything about the castle excited me. I walked round and spoke to several paintings they were very kind though 'The Fat Lady' was a bit mad. I also spoke to the Bloody Baron he said he wad Slytherin's ghost. I of course had no idea what Slytherin was so he explained about the four houses of hogwarts. I also learnt that Snape was the head of Syltherin. After the talk with the Bloody Baron I walked back to the dungeons. Luckily I didn't have any run ins with peeves Mr Baron also told me about him. I walked into Snapes living room and picked up one of the books of the shelf. It Spells for Beginners this looked like a good spell book to start with. I read through it within 15 minutes. The spells were really easy and could just do them without a wand well probably everyone could do that. Lumos I thought a ball of light appeared from my hand.  That's amazing wow I never thought I could do anything like that! Nox I thought and the light dissappeared. Then I saw Snape.  "Well?" I asked.
"Very good," he paused "would you like to try reading some potions books since that is also what I teach?"
"Yes please Sir" I said eagerly. He brought over several potions books and over the next hour I read them.

Some of the potions looked amazing; Cure for Boils, Forgetfulness Potion, a Calming draught, dreamless sleep potion, even a potion called Draught of Living Death but that was much more complex potion and my favourite had to be Felix Felicis or liquid luck. After I had finished reading them I shyly made my way towards Snape. "Sir?" I asked.
"Yes?" he replied coldly.
"Could I make one of the potions please?"
"Yes I supppse so go to the student cupboard take as much as you need clean up after yourself, don't get yourself injured or killed and don't try any of the potions without my approval is that clear?" he drawled.
I nodded and scurried off to the student stores.

Severus' POV
I couldn't believe she had managed to do wandless magic and non-verbal spells just like that as if it were nothing. Why did Albus want me to teach her occumlecy? I mean she was ten that old man knew more than he was letting on. She really was an intelligent little girl maybe I should talk to Albus about her starting school a year early. She was capable. I carried on reading the Daily Prophet usually it was a load junk but it was better than nothing. About 40 minutes later Grace came running up to me. "Here," she handed me a vile of a perfect Calming Draught and a Cure for Boils potion. I nodded impressed I must say she was rather good at potions unlike her brat of a father."Well done," I said. I really must talk to Albus about her starting school early.

Grace's POV 

I showed him my too potions was that finally a flicker of approval I saw in his eyes? I really hoped so though I would never admit it I longed for his approval in something I did. He was one of the first people who had never hit or punished me when I did something wrong. Without thinking I gave him a hug he should there stiffly. Oh no I thought I looked down at the floor and backed away slowly. I was in for it now. All of a sudden I had a flash back too the last time I had given someone a hug.

I was at my old foster home. My foster dad was there, I was sitting in the corner of my room all bashed and beaten up. Some of my cuts were open and bleeding. I was shaking and suffering from a high fever. The lock clicked in the door and a huge man stood in the doorway. He was my adoptive father. He threw me a slice of mouldy bread it was the first bit of food I'd had in three days. I grabbed the piece of bread and ran up to hug him. "GET OFF ME YOU FILTHY PIECE OF VERMIN YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" With that he took the belt from around his waist and slapped me with it he slapped me across my wrists I still have the scars from that awful night. He snarled at me "just you wait until tommorow if you think this is bad." he cackled.

Suddenly I was jerked back into reality. I looked up I was somehow lying in my bed and Snape and Dumbledore were sitting by me. "Ahh feeling better I see," said Dumbledore he blue eyes twinkling they always did that. Snpe's face was thunderous he wasn't really concentrating on myself and Dumbledore he was glaring rather hard at the wall. "HOW CAN SOMEONE DO THAT TO A CHILD A HELPLESS CHILD!" he shouted. I looked questioningly at Dumbledore he shook his head. Really if he stared any harder at the wall he would burn a hole in it. I let out an unintential giggle. He seemed to realise I was awake now. He looked confused for a minute then regained composure. "DO YOU THINK ITS FUNNY THAT MUGGLE NEARLY KILLED YOU?" he thundered. I shook my head meekly how did he know? He sighed "You went into shcok and Dumbledore came he asked me to look into your mind I saw the whole memory," he finished. I lay back on my bed oh no now they now about my horrific past. "Well now that it seems your back with us I must dash" said Dumbledore and he dissapeared with a pop. I burst into tears as the memories came flooding back of how my life used to be.  Severus came to sit on the side of my bed he began to pat my back awkwardly. Not caring anymore I began sobbing into his shoulder he was the closest thing I had to a father anyways. I knew he found it very hard to express his emotions. I sat there sobbing into his shoulder until I had run out of tears. All the time he sat there patiently not saying a word. "Thank you Professor" I said finally. 

"You may call me Severus," he murmed. I smiled I really was warming up too him.

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