Chapter 8- Family

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Hoped you enjoyed the last chapter guys. I'm not quite sure where this is going but I hope it will be good please vote or I won't upload. Sorry for any errors. All rights to JK Rowling our queen ;). 

Severus' POV
However ever hard I tried to not care about Grace I just couldn't do it. I must go and speak to Dumbledore about Grace starting a year early. So I walked Grace too the library so she could read more books. After I had dropped her off I walked up too Dumbledores office. "Ahhh Severus," said Dumbledore "what is it?" 

"You see Grace is very intelligent," I explained.

"You would like her to start school a year early?" asked Albus

I nodded in response how did he know everything. "Very well I do not normally do this but she may start school a year early considering the circumstances however Harry must not under any circumstances find out about her and she will be diguised as your daughter." he said.

I groaned "And how will she be disguised as my daughter exactly?" I asked that was the last thing I needed her to turn into my actual daughter.

"She's a metamorphagus Severus I will leave how you break the news up to you." he sighed

I nodded knowing I was know dismissed. I set off to find Grace. I would take her to Diagon Alley so she could get her school things. I eventually found in the Advanced Potions sections of the library she would fit into the role of my daughter just fine. "Grace come with me please." I said emotionlessly. She sighed "Obviously you had to interupt me just as got to the good part." I said nothing but merely raised an eyebrow so she was a bit cocky. I walked down to our quarters she almost was running to keep up with me well serves her right for being cheeky. I entered the living room and gestured for her to sit but I looked and she was already sat down reflecting that expressionless look that I often had in my own eyes. She ever so slightly raised one eyebrow. "You will begin attending Hogwarts this year there is no point you sitting round idly not doing anything of any substance." I started. There was a flash of excitment in her eyes sometimes it was easy to forget she was just a small child. "However there is some things that I have too tell you first" I continued. She just nodded. "You have a brother" I looked to see how she was taking the news not well I could see. Her eyes were blazing with anger "Oh did you forget to miss out that one tiny detail when you met me" she said evenly. "HOW DARE YOU KEEP FROM ME THAT I HAVE FAMILY WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO TELL ME NEXT HUH THAT MY PARENTS ARE STILL ALIVE WHERE IS? WHAT'S HIS NAME? DIDN'T IT CROSS THAT BRILLIANT MIND OF YOURS THAT I MAY LOVE TO KNOW THAT I HAVE FAMILY STILL ALIVE I HAD NO IDEA WHAT HAPPEND TO ME OR IF I EVEN HAD FAMILY OR IF THEY EVEN CARED ABOUT ME. NO MY WHOLE PAST I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT BUT YOU DID AND YOU KEPT IT FROM ME!" she screamed. But she was right what on earth possesed me to keep it from her. Too make it up to her I decided to show her a memory.

Grace's POV

How could he not have told me. I was fuming. I had a brother yeah maybe he just forgot that minor detail. Maybe I would get to meet my brother. What if he was horrbile though and didn't like me. Suddenly Severus spoke "Please just let me show you this?" he asked. I guess I should watch whatever he wanted to even though I really wasn't in the mood. I sighed in defeat and nodded. He went to the bookcase and tapped on the wall out came a basin type thing. Out of one of the cabinets he took a vial and poured out a silvery liquid into the basin. He looked at me seriously and said "This a pensive and I have poured out a memory of when I was younger and these memorys also contain your mother and father." he scowled as he said father. I wondered why but I guess I'd find out soon enough. "Just fall into it I won't be coming with you." he instructed. With that I plunged into the silvery liquid. I felt like I was spining and sunddenly I landed. I looked around I was on a hill and little girl who looked a lot like me was playing on a swing with another girl I presumed to be her sister. I could see what must have been Severus hiding in the bush. Then the memory began:

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