Chapter 9- Temper temper

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Okay so thins is chapter 9 yay nearly at 10. Please vote and stuff because it makes me happy :) So sorry for any mistakes like spelling because I am rubbish at spelling and don't like dictionaries. All rights to JK Rowling apart from Grace. Enjoy........

Grace's POV

I woke up bright and early next morning and went into living room. I sat down and began to read some more books off the shelves. I wanted to be the best in my year to please Severus or Professor Snape. For once I had someone that cared about me and as cheesy as it sounds I couldn't let him down. I went back to my room after about half an hour and decided to play with my appearance to see what I could do. It was really fun but after a while I decided to make myself into Snape's daughter. I gave myself jet black hair (not greasy of course hehe) which came down to about my waist it also had slight waves to it. I then changed my eyes to coal black expressionless eyes I also made my cheekbones a bit more prominent just to look a little more like Severus. Well altogether I looked quite nice I thought. However there were some things that needed to be cleared up like who would my mother be and why had no one heard about me before I mean surly Severus must have friends but then again... 


It was now 9:30 I hadn't known but Severus had been up way before me and had been busy with some potions he was making. So I walked down to the Grear Hall for breakfast. Everyone gave me a strange look as I walked in. "Hello Minvera," I said cheerfully.

"How do you know my name?" she asked suspiciously "who are you I must say you do look an awful lot like Severus."

"Its me Lily," I said but then laughed realising my mistake I was still looking like Snape's daughter not myself no wonder they were all so confused. "I'm a metamorphagus this will be my disguise for school." I explainded. Suddenly it seemed to dawn on them all amd they all started laughing. I went and sat down in my usual place and began to tuck into my pancakes I forced myself to eat them it wouldn't be so bad once school started. Severus walked in looking as irratated as usual I decided to play a little game so  I began by mirroring his look. I saw him look around "Has anyone seen Lily?" he asked. They all shook their heads catching on to my joke. "Who are you?" he asked "I hope not another adoption case for me I have enough trouble with one." he growled.

"Well I'm sorry for being so much of a burden for you I guess you would never know what it feels like to never be loved by anyone or to have your parents die for your brother," I said going back to my usual appearance and stormed out of the Great Hall. I walked straight past him my eyes blazing well it was nice to know where you were wanted. When I got back to the dungeons I grabbed a few spell books and locked myself in my room. A few minutes later I heard Snape come in "Grace" he called well I was in no mood to reply.  "Grace we're going to Diagon Alley so stop this childish behaviour and get out of your room before I have to come in" he threatend. Well I wasn't scared of his threats but it might be a good chance to get away. So I changed my appearance back to Snape's daughter and came out my

room scowling.  "Yes father," I said my voice dripping with sarcasm. He raised an eyebrow at me. "So your not going to apologise then?" I aaked. "Look I'm sorry but you have to stop acting like a spoilt brat" he said in his monotone voice. Was I really acting like a brat? "Maybe I just want to be loved," I shot back.

For a second he looked hurt... Then he just sneered I couldn't believe it made me so mad did he even care. I could feel the anger building up inside and bam that was it I exploded.  I could feel my eyes going red and the anger took contol of me. I could feel myself loosing control of myself "Get away from me" I said calmly to Severus. "What did you just say" he said his voice dangerously low. That was it I lost control of myself I felt several things explode "I am powerful what out" I said in an unnatural voice. All of a sudden I felt myself drawn towards the door. I walked towards it even though I didn't want too. "Severus help me please," I pleaded as I regained control of myself for a moment.

Severus' POV 

I watched her almost battle with herself as she began walking towards the door. What on earth was going on because it was not normal. Suddenly she cried out for my help "Severus help me please". I felt my heart break she sounded so much like Lily and just for that moment her eyes went green and then they went red again. I knew what I had to do so I got out my wand and pointed it at her "Legilimens" I muttered and with that I was in her mind. I could sense another presence in their so I began to push it out though it was no match for me it would have easily been able to get into her mind. I got out of her mind just in time to se Quirell standing in the doorway and I manged to catch Grace just before she fell to the floor. "Using iiiillll.....illegeal spells on pupils aaa...aaarr....are we SSSS.....Severus?" he asked menacingly. 

"This is my daughter and no I'm not," I answered back coldly

"Y....yes I'm aaaa...aawww...awfully sorry Severus" he replied. Oh no I must be more careful.

"Well goodbye then" I sneered giving him a cue to leave.  I took Grace to her room amd lay her on the bed. She sleepily opened her eyes I sighed involuntarily with relief.  "I'm sorry" she croaked. I chuckled dryly "what for?"

"I could have hurt you" she said quietly looking down at her feet.

"You wouldn't have done that" I replied bewildered.

"I didn't have a choice" she said sadly. It was then I understood someone had taken control of her...

Grace Lily PotterWhere stories live. Discover now