Chapter 4 The Past

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Please read on and comment and vote it means so much I really hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. I am really busy at the moment but I am writing it in every spare second that I have all ideas are welcome of what is to happen next. This is a long chapter in apology for all the really short capters I've wirtten. All rights to our queen JK Rowling. I do own Grace Lily Potter though.

Snapes POV 

I hurried down to the dungeons I really didn't need to have this extra responsibility on my hands.  The girl hurried to keep up but I didn't really care I needed to get back to the dungeons.  I could see her gasping at the moving portraits, it was easy to forget that she grew up in the muggle world.

"Professer..." she asked timidly

"Yes" I replied tiredly

"Why do the paintings move?" she said. "Well you don't expect them to sit around all day do you?" I smirked I knew it was harsh to answer like that but she better get used to it because thats the way I am. She threw me a hurt look I shrugged it off. 

I muttered the password to get into my quarters no... our quarters.  Hmmm I thought our quarters I'm not sure about that. When we got into my no OUR quarters I got a glass of warm milk and slipped a sleeping draught in and gave it to Potter as I guess she has to be called. Oh how I hate that surname. I gave it her she thanked me and downed it in one. Almost immeadiately she fell asleep on sofa where she had been sitting. I carried her to her room and transfigured her rags she was wearing into pijamas I tucked her into bed and and went to sit down and read the Daily Phrophet. Suddenly Albus' patronus came with a message 'Come to my office as soon as Grace is asleep'.  Sighing I put down his paper and got up and walked to Albus' office. "Choclate Frogs" I muttered to the gargoyle honestly was this man barmy. I opened the door and entered his office. "Ahhh asleep so quick how do you manage Severus?" Albus asked.

"Sleeping Draught" murmuerd Severus.

"Ahhh I should have known, anyhow how do you find the girl?"  Albus said intrigued how I would manage with the child. "She's probably just as bad as her arrogant father was." I replied angrily. "Now now Severus you can't blame the child for who her parents are or in this case father she may be just like her mother-"

"DO NOT BRING LILY INTO THIS" I interupted angrily how dare bring Lily into this however Albus carried on as if I had not spoken. "She may be generous and kind hearted always seeing the best in people. She has had a hard childhood in that orphanage oh how I wish I didn't have to leave her there but there was no other way."

"Please Severus give her a chance," Albus pleaded.

"Fine I will take her to Diagon Ally tommorow to get some clothes and a wand I think it would be fit for her to get one." I replied

"Thank you that is all" dismissed Dumbledore.

As I walked down to the dugeons I ponered over what Albus had said maybe she wouldn't be that bad. As I opened the door to our quarters (finally I remembered) I heard a terrible scream...

Grace's POV

I gratefully drank the milk Professor Snape had give me and was asleep before I knew it. 

Grace's Dream

I was in a small room all on my own huddled up in the corner hoping not to get a chill. I heard my father come in, he wasn't my real father he and his wife had adopted me I was their slave, he was clearly drunk but then again this wasn't an unusual occurance it must have been about 2:00 in the morning. "Grace get your lazy arse down here and get me a beer out the fridge." he shouted. Trembling I crept downstairs not making too much noise I went out the back to the fridge to get some bear for him. I brought two bottles back in case he wanted another one. I walked into the living room where he had some reality TV show blasting away. I handed him both the bottles. He turned to look at me smiling in a sick menacing way. "How many bottles did I ask you to get me?" he asked his voice dangerously low. "You asked for a bottle, Sir" I quivered in reply. "Exactly ONE bottle." he answered "NOW MY OTHER BEER IS WASTED AND WARM NOT FRESH OUT THE FRIDGE IF I WANTED TWO I WOULD ASK FOR TWO YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT!! I SEE NOW WHY YOUR PARENTS LEFT YOU AT AN ORPHANAGE THEY WERE WISE KNEW YOU'D BE TROUBLE FROM THE MINIUTE YOU WERE BORN" he shouted "MOTHER PROBABLY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHO THE FATHER WAS" he laughed. That was it he had gone too far insulting my parents like that. I was so angry and all of a sudden both of the beer bottles in his hands smashed into tiny pieces and beer was spilling everywhere all over the carpet. A look of outrage crossed his face and the he unlooped his belt from jeans slapped me across the back with it he kept on slapping me until all went black. 

I woke up from my dream shaking all over I saw Professor Snape looking at me with concern in his eyes maybe he wasn't that emotionless after all.

Snapes POV

I hurried to see what all the screaming was about. I ran into Grace's bedroom she was tangled up in her sheets withering in pain her forhead was dripping with sweat. She was crying out "Please don't hurt me I didn't mean it!" I looked at her with her concern what on earth could the matter be. Maybe a dream of the past haunting her but before I could enter her mind to see what she was dreaming she was awake. She looked up at me I swear a flicker of amusment cross her eyes before the look of fear quickly replaced it. "I'm really sorry Professor I did not mean too wake you please don't send me back I'll be good from now on I promise." she pleaded. A smile flickered across my face "I will not send you away for merely waking up from a bad dream" I replied. This was no laughing matter through I decided to take her up to Madame Pomfry I would feel better if I knew she would be near a healer if she needed one that night. So I took her hand and guided her out of bed "We're going to the hospital wing" I said firmly. She groaned. Oh no not an insolent child I hated those types of children especially. But then I realised she was graoning because she couldn't stand. I went to lift her but then I noticed all these cuts and bruises all over her frail body I was certain they had not been there before. "When did those appear?" I demanded. She looked down at the floor,

"They happened at the orphanage" she replied.

"How come I didn't see them then?" I answered back

"I made them go away from your sight and everyone elses" she whispered quietly.

I sighed this would be another job for Madame Pomfry what a frail sight she looked her pijamas hanging from her thin body and her tear stained face from the carying she had done in her sleep. She looked so vunerable stood there clutching her teddy without another word I picked her up and carried her to the hospital wing. Maybe I really was begining to care for the child.

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