Chapter One

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Chapter One

It was crazy really and rather disappointing, knowing exactly why my mother sent me here. I had been too difficult for her to control, the woman accusing me of starting fights and so much more. She had tried to talk to me but of course, we always ended up fighting. I had gotten tired of her "trying" when the truth was, she ended up yelling me. So now, as I stared at the house we pulled up too, I felt relief at knowing I would no longer have to deal with her.

"We're here, Alessa," her voice was edged with malice, my sighs escaping my lips as I opened the car door. I didn't bring much, only a single suitcase, because of my mother's complaints for me to hurry. But the reality was, she didn't want me to have anything. She didn't really take care of me honestly. She just wanted me to leave so that she could do whatever she wanted to do. Such as party and sleep around...

"Nice place," I murmured, not turning around when I heard the car door slam shut. I didn't have to turn around to know she was leaving me here with a family I never met. All the evidence I needed was hearing the tires squeal away, followed by a "Behave and don't let me get a phone call" scream from the window as she left. I turned then, lifting a single finger in the air toward her car as she left me. And it did hurt, but I wouldn't let it control me.

Who was I kidding? The reality is that it did control me. You see, after my dad left my mom and me when I was little, mom went crazy. She started drinking and partying every single night. She left me alone quite often at home and being small, it was scary. But the older I got, the easier things got. I learned to survive on whatever I could cook and to care for my needs myself. And being alone was something I enjoyed, especially since I was very shy to begin with anyways. And unlike what my mom thought about me, I was a really nice person. I would help anyone and do anything for those I was close to. My mom just wasn't one of them.

"Alessandra, a pleasure to meet you," a kind voice made me turn toward the door, noticing a blonde haired man. I felt my cheeks immediately light up as I realized how freaking hot the man looked but also I got the sense of him being a dad. So hot dad? No, let's not go there.

"Um, hi," I gave a wave, standing awkwardly at the bottom of the steps.

"Come on in, Alessandra. We've been waiting for you," he stepped to the side, allowing me enough space to pass him. I hesitated for a brief moment before giving another sigh, taking the steps up into the house.

"Nice place," I murmured again, placing my case on the floor. I took off my jacket as I looked around, noticing how the windows practically made an entire wall. Which helped to make everything seem so open and free. So... beautiful.

"Thank you," the man took my jacket, draping it over a chair. "Come, the others are waiting in the kitchen."

"Are they cooking?" I asked, following him up another flight of stairs. I smelled something delicious in the air, trying not to let my hunger show. I have never had a real home-cooked meal, only able to make simple things with my own two hands. Whatever I was smelling was not simple and it was smelled so good.

"We figured you would be hungry from the trip," he answered, chuckling when I took the stairs two at a time. I quickly found the kitchen, noticing the small group of people working together before following my nose instead.

"It smells amazing in here," I complimented, a woman turning to look at me with a smile.

"Thank you. You must be Alessandra," the woman walked over to me, giving me a hug while another took over at the stove. I felt a chill seep into me when she hugged me, noting how her body practically didn't have any heat.

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