Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

It was difficult.



Who was I kidding? There was no way I could be a painter. Even as I tried again, twisting the brush to try and give the texture that Caius had taught me, I still could never get it right. It was ridiculous how he could do it so easily and I couldn't. Then again, he was a vampire and I was just a weak slip of a human. I mean, this was so irritating that I could feel my brow twitch as I looked over the line of paint I just finished, seeing that I wasn't even close.

"Better," Caius suddenly appeared behind me, leaning over my shoulder to inspect my practice. "I believe you are getting the technique now."

"It still looks the bloody same to me," I hissed, placing the palette down and nearly throwing my brush.

"It takes practice, little one. You can't expect to understand in one day, can you?" Caius was quick to comfort but I didn't say a word to him on it. He was right of course. I couldn't expect to be perfect in one practice. But I couldn't help it. I was surrounded by lifelike works of art and my practice canvas looked ridiculous in this room.

Still, Caius was very supportive of my attempts. Even praising me when I got better. It was a side of him that I never expected to see, perhaps not many knew about. Aro and Marcus probably knew about his gentler side, they were brothers of course. But as far as I know, I am the only one to see this side of him. Probably will only ever be the only one. And it was nice. To know that, no matter how violent he got, or angry, I would never be hurt.

"What has you preoccupied, my love?"

"Hm?" my head snapped up, eyes going wide when I saw how close Caius was to me. I hadn't realized that I was lost in my own little world nor that he was just a few inches from me. He towered over my form, which was relatively easy considering how short I was anyways, but it was an intimidating sight to behold.

"What has taken my love's attention away from me?" his voice was soft, barely a whisper as his fingers gripped my chin. I felt his thumb run along my lower lip, ruby eyes snapping toward them. They burned, those eyes. And it was honestly a different experience to see. Caius burned with desire. It was obvious.

Patience was not something he was use too.

"Caius," I gasped at the feelings consuming me. Where they my own? No, they couldn't be. The others could feel my pain when I thought about leaving them so it was only plausible that I could feel their own emotions. The desires they felt and... was that real love? This feeling of acceptance and assurance? That I was wanted and needed?

His fingers dug into my hips, his body moving me back against a wall. I barely felt the wind whip around me as he erased any space between us. My hands found his shoulders, some grounding to the whirlwind inside me. I felt my face burn in embarrassment, our gazes locked together. And then, without warning, his lips were upon mine.

He was pure aggression. Wild and untamed that I was finding it difficult to keep up. Even the whimper that escaped my throat did nothing to slow down the pace as he continued to ravage my mouth. My lungs even began to burn, the need for oxygen becoming too much. It was only then did he release my lips, trailing along my throat as I gasped for air.

"So sweet," his words vibrated against my neck, teeth lightly scraping against my pulse point. I sucked in a breath, fingers digging into his shoulders. I felt a blinding heat burning through my veins, my cheeks filling with blood. I can only imagine how strong my scent was becoming, filling the room we were in, and my only confirmation was when Caius lifted his head, breathing in deeply. His eyes were closed for only a moment, but it was enough for them to change, black orbs locking onto me.

"Caius," I squeaked in surprise, my feet suddenly leaving the ground. My legs wrapped around his waist, my body resting higher on the wall. One of his arms were around me, holding me up as the other pressed into the wall. I didn't have a moment to even think of our position as he took my lips again, searing them. Even as his body tried to mold itself to mine...

"Am I interrupting?" a highly amused voice forced us to separate, my chest heaving in an attempt to bring my breathing back too normal. Caius, however, seemed to react in a more frustrated manner because his hand beside us dug into the wall.

"When are you not interrupting, Aro?" Caius growled before allowing me to regain my footing. If there were two who would fight over me, then Caius and Aro were the two to do so. So I knew that this moment would definitely be interesting to see play out between them.

"Considering that I have been stuck in meetings that had been scheduled without my permission," Aro clasped his hands in front of him, amusement still apparent. "You wouldn't happen to know how that came to be, now would you Caius?"

Something told me that Aro already knew what had happened, and how, but he enjoyed asking anyways. Caius, however, didn't even respond as he turned, staring down his brother in annoyance.

"I don't know what you mean, dear brother? Perhaps the human secretary made a mistake," the way Caius responded made me turn toward him, raising a brow in suspicion. So I was right. Caius was the cause of Aro and I missing our planned date. What a sadistic little strategist. How could he do such a thing?

I'm really going to have to balance time between the three. And this was going to be so much harder than I cared to admit.

"Alessandra, dear, if you are done with your painting lesson, then perhaps you wouldn't mind joining me for dinner?" Aro brought me out of my thoughts and it was then that I realized that I was rather hungry. In fact, when did I last eat? How much time had passed in this room?

"Um, of course," I smiled, before looking up at Caius, noticing him watching me. "You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not, little one," Caius caressed my cheek, placing a kiss on my forehead. "I have forgotten that you are still human and require sustanence."

"Thanks," I muttered, giving him a quick kiss before making my way toward Aro. Aro, in turn, held his hand out for me to take, which I did without hesitation. Normally contact would make me pull away, but I didn't even think twice about accepting his hands. Perhaps questioning this bond should cease all together. I really didn't want to anymore anyways.

"Did you have fun, darling?" Aro asked as our fingers curled together. He pulled me to his side, my arm slipping under his as we began to make our way out of the painting room.

"It was very interesting, to say the least," I answered, leaning into Aro. I was feeling a bit exhausted now as we made our way through the corridors.

"Any time with Caius can indeed prove to be an interesting occurrence," Aro responded, patting my hand gently for a moment before settling over it. He asked me a few more questions about my time with Caius, but I could tell that Aro was a bit distracted, his thumb rubbing along my hand in a soothing way. His head even tilted for a moment before a smile seemed to transform his features, his ruby eyes darting to my position.

"Do you have plans for tomorrow, Alessandra?" Aro suddenly asked, taking me by surprise.

"Not that I am aware of," I answered honestly.

"Then, mia cara, would you do me the honor of spending the day with me tomorrow?" Aro stopped in his walk, focusing fully on me.

"Um, well, what... what are we going to do tomorrow?" I inquired instead of answering. Aro chuckled in response, leaning toward me slowly. I felt my breath hitch again for the 3rd or 4th time this day. Really, the idea of not needing to breathe was becoming very appealing.

"If I told you, mia bella, then I would have nothing to surprise you with," Aro whispered to me. I nodded quickly, accepting his invitation. That seemed to appease him, Aro straightening with a grin. Which in turn made me feel extremely happy. To see his excitement, it was a nice kind of feeling. If that made sense at all.

"Wonderful. Now," he opened a door beside him, a delicious smell coming from the room, "let's get you something to eat."


A/N: Sorry for the long wait.  Finally found some time.  Hopefully it's not a complete disappointment.  Anyways, I'll try to make a few more chapters so don't give up on me!  I'm getting them!  Enjoy!!!

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