Chapter Four

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(Used a free translation site for the Italian, so if it is wrong, then I am sorry.)

(P.S. It is not Google Translate.)

Chapter Four

Two years passed without so much of an incident and I had quickly become a part of the family. Rosalie still held a grudge against me, pulling me aside one day to explain why she was really so upset. She never wanted to be turned but Carlisle had found her after she had been... raped and left for dead. I felt sad for her, listening to how she wanted to have a baby and the white picket fence dream. Though I did cheer for her when she said she killed her attackers. She thought it was odd but I told her that those assholes got what they deserved. And that she saved another girl who would have suffered the same fate.

"I mean; just think of what they could have done. They could've gotten away with it and attacked another poor girl. So really, you saved someone's life."

Rosalie never thought of it like that and to say that we got closer, well, it didn't work that way. She was still upset with me but she tried to be nicer at least. So we came to a friendly truce and she became the annoying older sister I never really wanted but got stuck with. She liked my description since she considered me that annoying sister.

Emmett was able to get Jasper to warm up to me, both having the mind to torment the living hell out of me constantly. It wasn't something I wanted and more than once they forced me to disappear when they decided to jump scare me one to many times. Esme would scold them each time before Bella and her would try to get me to shut off my gift.

It took some practice, but after some time I was managed to have some control over it. I had disappeared once for nearly a week, no one knowing where I was unless I told them. They had to move around slowly, making sure they didn't run into me as they moved about the house. Alice accidently sat on me once, to where I mercilessly teased her about it. She was so cute and if they could blush, I knew she would always be red around me.

Of course, I learned more about vampires the longer I stayed with them. How they could run really fast and had super strength. Emmett was the strongest of them all and Edward was the fastest, but they all shared some form of that ability. It wasn't until I pointed out how I got the feeling that four of them had something extra that I found out the truth. Bella was a shield. She could stop mental and physical attacks with an invisible force field like thing. And it was well developed when she was human.

Edward, well, his was a little freakier. Edward could read surface thoughts the moment you thought of them. I asked him if he could read me but he shook his head no. Bella and I had a natural immunity to his ability. And I was so grateful for that honestly.

Jasper could sense emotions and even control emotions too. If someone was anxious, then he could easily calm them down and most of the time it became easier to tell if someone was lying based on what they were feeling. I thought that was pretty cool too but again, for some reason, I was immune to his gift.

Alice, well, I was right about her. She was a seer and had been before she was turned. She could see the future based on people's decisions and it had come in handy a few times for them. In fact, she was the one who predicted Bella's turning and other things. Though, as much as I wanted to know what I was going to do in the next few hours, I was disappointed in the fact that she had a hard time seeing mine. It wasn't like I was invisible... oh... well...

"I saw you moving in with us," Alice told me once, getting my attention, "but that's about it. Your invisibility extends like a protective shield. It's very frustrating."

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