Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Carlisle, my old friend, it is such a pleasure to see you again after all this time," one of the men came down the few steps from the seats, clasping his hands in front of him. I could tell that each of these men were very important and the one that approached us was probably the leader. But what worried me was the way he seemed overly too happy. And the fact that each male was unbelievably attractive to me.

"Aro, it has been some time," Carlisle kept his distance, his eyes not moving from the one in front of us. That gave me plenty of time to study the three men, only glancing around Emmett's broad shoulders when I thought I wasn't being watched. I quickly noted the difference in eye color, noticing how their eyes were a bright milky red. Which meant they feasted on humans and not animals.

"And you have brought your whole coven?" Aro offered his hand to Carlisle, noticing the way he hesitated to take it. I knew then that Aro did that to get information. Which meant he would learn about me and my knowledge regarding the vampires. And according to everyone, that would not end well with the Volturi.

"Yes, as you requested, though one member had to stay behind," Carlisle gave a slight chuckle, allowing the man to encompass his hand. There was silence for several seconds, my eyes focused on Aro as he bowed his head over the conjoined hands. That was when I really studied him, noting his dark hair and pale skin. He had this certain air about him but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Everyone had told me he was such a power hungry man and looked all over the world for gifted vampires, killing to get whatever he wanted. But for some reason, I don't necessarily believe it. Was he a dangerous 3,000-year-old vampire? Yes. But was he mad like others believed? No. Not really. He just wanted what he wanted and wouldn't let anyone stand in his way. But when was the last time he destroyed an entire coven for a single person? Apparently that was a question no one had an answer too.

"Ah, you have a new family member. Alessandra," Aro's eyes landed on my hiding form as I ducked behind Emmett more, being brought out of my thoughts about him. Carlisle moved quickly then, helping to hide my form from his prying eyes.

"She is not a concern, Aro. Not to anyone," Carlisle tried to defend me but another voice made me jump, griping the back of Emmett's shirt. It was the blonde male who had moved from his seat, approaching us quickly in anger.

"You have exposed us to another human?! How often will you break this law, Cullen?!"

"Caius, calm," Aro turned toward him, holding up a hand to stop the blonde one from moving further. "I'm sure there is more to this story than we know."

"Aro, you mustn't be so lenient. You know the laws as well as I and exposing our kind to another human is risky. This is becoming a habit," Caius snapped. Aro did not seem disturbed by his outburst, his eyes still focused on my position. I kept my eyes to the ground, unable to match direct contact with the man. I felt threatened, noticing all the guards surrounding our little group. Which only made my anxiety increase exponentially.

"Come now, darling. And I trust Isabella will not protect your thoughts either," Aro smiled, holding his hand out for me. I felt my body shake, glancing over to my cousin to see her nodding toward me. I knew she wouldn't protect my thoughts, she couldn't without going against the royal family of the vampire world. So, with a deep breath, I took a tentative step around Emmett and approached Aro. I didn't make eye contact with him however, keeping my head down and gaze glued to the floor. And slowly, I allowed my hand to slip into his.

At first touch, I nearly gasped. His hands were freezing but at the same time, it was gentle. And though I expected his touch to be hard and unforgiving, his hands were oddly soft. You wouldn't expect such tenderness to be associated with the Volturi but Aro was very gentle as his hands enveloped mine.

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