Chapter Nine

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(I used a translation thing at this website: So if something doesn't add up, sorry. But it does other languages, not just English to Italian. So use it to your hearts content. It's free.)

Chapter Nine

I found myself at a loss for words when Marcus and I finally stepped into the place he wanted to take me and I mean I literally had no words to express the sight before me. It was truly a marvel in and of itself. And seriously, the Volturi had the best in the world by my standards.

It was the library of the Volturi. The walls were covered in books from floor to ceiling and even had separate standalone book shelves that littered the large open space. There was also a second story to the library, ladders in strategic places, to the point that not a single book could be missed. Grant it, if I had a choice, I would stay in here forever trying to read every last tome in existence.

"I take it you're an avid reader," Marcus spoke to me as my head turned in every direction.

"I love to read. It's one of the few things I do when at home," I missed the saddened look on Marcus face as I took a few steps from him, glancing around the library and debating which way I wanted to go first. Instead, I was taken from my thoughts when the vampire moved to a couch near a fireplace, picking up a book from its resting place. I found myself curious to what he was reading, watching him sit on the cushions. He only glanced at me, a smirk hitting his lips before going back to the open pages.

"What are you reading?" my head tilted as I stepped closer to him, noting how he patted the spot next to him.

"Would you like me to read it to you?" Marcus returned with his own question. And as I pondered on it, I realized that really I wasn't in the mood to read. I actually had more questions regarding this bond between the kings and me. And it still wasn't settling well, even if I did just kiss Aro without another thought.

My god. I did just kiss Aro. I kissed the Aro of the Volturi without a moment's hesitation. What the hell caused that? Why did I find it unfair that the others kissed me and he didn't?

"Il mio amore, qual è il problema?" (My love, what is the matter?)

I blinked, realizing that I was still standing next to the couch. Marcus was fully focused on me, concerned etched into his features. His ruby eyes waited patiently for me to speak, his book lay forgotten in his lap. I wasn't sure really how to broach the subject but if anyone was to know about the bond fully, Marcus was the one. His gift was to see the bonds between others. So he would definitely know.


"Yes, mia cara."

"I'm... still unsure about this," I finally spoke, sitting next to him. Marcus gave me a gentle smile.

"What is it you wish to know?" the way he said it gave me some hope. He sounded so patient and willing to help me that I felt connected to him more than the others. Aro was dramatic, I knew that much and Caius was more short tempered. So I wasn't really sure how to talk to them about anything. And even then, this was odd. Seriously.

"Well, the biggest one is that there are three of you," I started. Marcus nodded in understanding, closing his book and setting it off to the side.

"And that bothers you."

"Well, yes," I answered before adding, "actually, not really. No."

"Then what is the problem?" Marcus questioned slowly. He took my hand gently in his, feeling the tremble from his cold grip travel up my arm. However, I didn't pull away, instead enjoying the feel of his cool skin on mine.

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