Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

My fingers glided across the ivory, the simple melody that I knew encasing me in a fantasy world. I was lost in my mind, unaware of my surroundings or those that came and went. I had a few human "maids" that would often check on me, asking if I needed any water or food. But I was entranced in the song, humming the words that I had practiced over and over again in school when I was able to attend.

Music was always an escape for me. Always a way for me to slowly lose myself, forget my troubles and pain. Even when I was nothing in my mind, in the world of song, I was something. I could sing away my troubles, my broken heart or soul. I was able to disappear and become something. Prove all of my bullies and cruel mother wrong in just a few minutes.

I heard the door open to the room, but my fingers did not stop the melody as I allowed my hands to move across the keys. I never allowed the words to fall from my lips, merely humming the tune until I felt hands touch my shoulders. I quickly stopped playing the piano, allowing the unfinished notes to ring in the air that left me feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Yes?" I looked up, spotting the crimson gaze of Marcus.

"You seem troubled, little one."

"Is it that obvious?" I sighed, scooting over to allow Marcus a chance to sit on the bench with me. He took the hint, sitting close to me. I had closed my eyes, but I could feel his concerned gaze upon my face, as if he was searching for an easy answer to his many questions.

"Not obvious, mia amore. I can feel the disturbance. It is slight," he quickly corrected when I looked at him, my immediate discomfort of the others knowing that I was unhappy showing. "But none the less there."

"I guess I can't keep it a secret, can I?" I sighed heavily. Aro could easily discern it if my power did not block him and now Marcus seemed to feel our connection and could sense if something was wrong. All that is left is for Caius to have some secret ability at discerning my emotions and then it would be a losing battle to deal with my discomfort alone.

"Never keep secrets from us. If anything, then you can tell me whatever is bothering you. I do not judge, little one."

"Why do you keep calling me that? Little one? Do I seem small to you?" I tried to change the subject, distract him somehow, but Marcus was as attentive as ever. His eyes gave that much away.

"I am much taller than you," he pointed out, reminding me how short I was. I nodded before sighing again, glancing down at my hands before staring straight at a wall. I wasn't sure how to tell him. How to explain my discomfort at what had transpired recently. After my panic attack at the pool, I spent the rest of my evening contemplating everything since I spent much of it alone. And being alone was apparently dangerous since I overthought everything. Every little detail of my life, my body, my hobbies.... All of it. And honestly, I was second guessing their attraction or their faith in me. Which was easy since my confidence was non-existent and the Volturi had a high level of it.

Still, I found myself unable to form the words, much less look at him. How would he feel if I told him that I had zero faith in them? That their affections could not be true? Marcus would probably feel hurt more than anything. Something I didn't want him to feel. But I couldn't help this doubt, no matter how much I wish I could.

A soft melody began to play, immediately gaining my attention as I turned to look at my partner. It was a tune I did not expect Marcus to know, yet he played it none the less. Long fingers glided across the ivory keys as I found myself hearing the words in my mind. It wasn't a popular broadway musical, in fact, it flopped quite horribly. It didn't live up to the expectations of its predecessor but one particular song always stuck with me...

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