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Your POV
I was sitting at Aphmau's desk. I just wrote a song..........while on my phone watching Levi...... FORGET YOU HEARD THAT......Wait who am I yelling at. "Me?" I heard Talia say.....more like asked. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked. Talia nodded slowly (Thats me when I see my parents being "hip" as they say but I slowly back dad broke his hip doing the whip.....THAT RHYMES!) "LOOK OUT" I heard Lucinda say before I heard glass break. "What the hell is on my head Nya~? NYA?" Talia yelled. "What with all th- Who the hell made you Kawaii~Chan's sister?" Solar asked sticking her head through the door. "LUCINDA!!!!" Talia and I yelled. "Solar made me." Lucinda said defending herself. "Wait, wait,wait, wait, wait I made you IT WASN'T EVEN THE DARE I GAVE YOU IT WAS APHMAU'S!" Solar resorted.

Solar's POV
Katelyn,KC,Aph, Nicole, I were playing Dare Or Double Dog Dare. Phoenix was in my lap (SHE CAN RESIST IT.....) "Okay.....LULU! Double Dog Dare Or dare ?" Aphmau basically yelled in my ear. "Double dog Dare" Lucinda said. "I DARE YOU TO POUR A POTION ON MY SISTERS TO MAKE THE KITTIES!!" Aphmau squealed fangirling. I was just blocking them out playing with Phoenix.  That was until I heard Talia yelling like a mad woman. I had a evil plan.


Me- Hey boys come to Aphs Im not asking!

UGH I HAVE CAT EARS AND A DAMN TAIL! UGGGGH "Does this wear off?!" I asked. "Yeah....after about 3 hours. " I hope you can run fast Lucinda...... BECAUSE IM GONNA KILL YOU!" Talia said chasing Lucinda who was yelling for help. There was a knock at the door. Talia still chasing Lucinda..... With a bat. Hopefully she doesn't find a gun.... I opened the door to reveal the guys. I did my best Kawaii-Chan impression. "Hey boys. How may Kawaii-Chan help you" I asked actually sounding like KC. "GET OVER HERE!" Talia yelled from the background. Now chasing Lu and Aph. I smile. "Heyyyyyg kitty baby.....why did you die your hair h/c?" Travis asked. I smirked then hissed at Travis....he hid behind Aaron. I face palmed. "Why the hell do you not wear a shirt?" I asked still in KC voice. "H-have you been hanging around Solar or Talia lately??" Garroth asked. I busted out laughing yelling Idiots. "YOU TWO ARE SO DEAD!" Talia yelled. Oh shitz she gotta paint gun..... NEVERMIND THATS A BB GUN. I ducked. Dallas tried to calm down. Key word tried. I walked into the kitchen with the guys. Who all smirked. I looked like a lost kitty. They all looked up. I did to. "WHAT THE HELL KAWAII-CHAN ITS JULY WHY IS THERE MISTLETOE??!!" I screamed. Ugh great I have to kiss all the guys. I first kissed Garroth who got a nosebleed. The Laurence who ran around Y/N KISSED ME. Then Dante who did that anime tears of joy. Then Travis who looked non effected. Until he stepped on Celesta's tail. He is running away. Then Aaron who wasn't effected but in the inside he was fanboying. "To my ro-" I stopped. I saw Dallas and Talia basically making out. I told Aph and our big sister side came out. We grabbed two bats. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" Aph and I yelled. "Run Dallas" We said at once like those creepy twins. He ran with us on his tail. And Talia laughing her ass off.....well tail.

Aphmau's Twin Sister- Minecraft My Street Version ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now