Chapter Four: Maxon

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I decided to have a party.

So far, I had gotten to know Celeste, Marlee, Kriss, Elise, Natalie, Ashley, Tuesday, Tiny, and Dakota, all wonderful girls. But I haven't even met the other twenty-six girls! I hardly have enough time during the day to meet with them, given all the tasks that Father piles on top of me.

I wasn't good at planning though. I didn't even have the time!

Mother had told me that I should get some of the ladies to help me, so I chose three of them: Marlee (she seemed nice), Dakota (she was super cool) and Celeste (duh! I already think I have a crush on her...)

Anyway, the party would mainly provide me with the opportunity to mingle with the rest of the ladies, and the castle residents to meet the ladies. It would be a relief to have, so that I didn't have to organize times to meet with the ladies individually. Plus, the party will give me a good idea of who, dismiss.

"Celeste!" I exclaimed as I saw her walking down the hall.

She raised her eyebrows, noticed me, and then smiled. Her smile was so beautiful and comforting, that I couldn't help but hug her.

"Hello," she said, accepting the hug. Each day, she had a completely different style than the last. Today, her hair was pulled back into a strict bun. She wore a red, lace-like dress, which reached down to her knees. Her beautiful, soft lips had ruby red lipstick on them. I wanted to kiss her.

"What's up?" she asked.

I coughed. "Well, I thought it would be an excellent idea to have a Selection-themed party. You know, so I could meet the rest of the ladies, and you can meet some of the castle residents."

Celeste looked shocked. "Oh, okay." She smiled. "That is an excellent idea."

"Thank you. But, I have to ask you and two other girls a favor."

"Oh," she stuttered, "Who else? What favor?"

"Um, you, Marlee, and Dakota. I would like you three to assist me with planning this party."

"Wow! I am honored. Thank you, Maxon."

I smiled. "Sure. Would you like to gather in the conference room on the third floor, say, around six o' clock tonight?"

Celeste nodded.

"Alright. I will pass the news on to Marlee and Dakota. Thanks again, Celeste." I planted a kiss on her cheek, said goodbye, and walked to my room.


At six o' clock, Marlee, Dakota, and Celeste strolled into the conference room. They were all so beautiful, so lovely.

"Hello, girls. Please, take a seat."

Celeste grabbed the seat next to mine. Marlee and Dakota sat next to each other.

"So, this party," she said, gazing into my eyes. "What kind of food should we have?"

Marlee had the silkiest dirty blonde hair, and brown eyes like Celeste's, only darker. She spoke up. "We should have assorted fruits and vegetables, along with, maybe, sandwiches and cupcakes!"

Celeste laughed. "Sandwiches? Cupcakes? Is that something you eat at a Four party? Or worse, a Five one? Please, we need more elegant food, like salmon, crab imperial, filet mignon..."

I interrupted her. "I actually think that sandwiches and cupcakes and that kind of food sounds good. We don't need elegant, Celeste, right?" I really hoped she wasn't this rude to all of the other girls.

Celeste avoided eye contact with me. "Oh, well I guess."

Marlee smiled, satisfied with herself, but she winced when Celeste looked at her.

I jotted down on a piece of paper: Food: Sandwiches, cupcakes, etc.

"Marlee, you can be in charge of food."

Marlee straightened her back, honored.

"Okay," Celeste said. "Um, music? Entertainment?"

"Dakota? What do you think?" I asked. Dakota shrugged, her head down. She seemed really shy.

"Okay, um, how about we hire some of your musicians, Maxon?" Celeste requested.

Not a bad idea, I thought. "I like that, but our professional musician, Zachariah, is in the hospital wing. He's sick.

"Oh, then what do we do?" Celeste asked, worried.

"Maybe look and see if you can find another musician for the party. Tell them we'll provide them with their own room and food and stuff," I suggested. Celeste thought it was a really good idea to have a musician, so I fully supported her idea.

"Alright, I'll go do that." Celeste grabbed the musician files and searched.

"Dakota, do you have any suggestions?" I asked.

She looked up, and realized that Celeste was gone. Dakota nodded.

Before she had the chance to speak, Celeste said, "How about this girl, America Singer, as musician?"

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