Chapter Twenty-Two: America

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I didn't know what to do, say, or feel. Should I ignore Maxon?

Of course not! Only a cold-hearted person would ignore the guy who traveled cross country for her, despite the fact that his wedding was yesterday.

But did I love Maxon? Or Aspen? This whole love triangle got on my nerves - and I had to settle it.

"Maxon!" I called. I abandoned Aspen in the treehouse and ran after him. "Maxon! Wait!"

Once I finally reached Maxon, he turned around, his face tomato red, covered in tears.

"I can't believe you," he muttered, choking on his tears. "I can't."

Bursts of anger came out as I spoke. "Well, you're the one who abandoned me on the plane!"

He wiped his tears and raised his eyebrows. "Oh really. Really? And then the next day, you go running to your ex and forget the kiss? Our kiss?!?"

Someone was stabbing my heart a million times, and that someone was Maxon. "I was broken! You hurt me after that kiss!" I was yelling now.

"And? You think he can comfort you? He cheated on you!"

"You got married!" I yelled instantly. "That Celeste? You married her. You made a commitment. Now you expect me to cling to you?"

"America!" He shouted.

Before he could speak after that, I interrupted. "My heart shattered when you got off the plane. That kiss was magic, and then you got married. You think it's wrong of me to go kiss my ex when you got married? He was comforting me!"

Maxon ran his fingers through his honey blonde hair. "I thought you were better than this. I am the prince. I had to get married. This isn't some fairytale where you can expect me to run off before my wedding to be with you. That's not how it works, America."

"I know it's not a fairytale. But no person should just abandon someone on a plane after a kiss like that." I couldn't believe we were having this fight.

"America, why do you think I came all this way?"

"I don't know," I muttered.

"America –"

"Don't say that you love me."

He nodded. "I won't. But –"


"But I'm in love with you."

What? Did I hear Maxon correctly? No, he can't be in love with me. He can't. "You're lying."

"How am I lying? How can I be lying?"

"Because you married Celeste!" I croaked, my tears forbidding me to speak.

"That doesn't mean I'm not in love with you. I'm in love with you," said Maxon.

"Leave," I mumbled.


"Leave!" I screamed. "I can't have you here."

Maxon's eyes looked empty. His puffy eyes blinked, more tears escaping down his cheek. He picked up the bouquet of flowers and threw them to me. "Enjoy your flowers," he said. "It's the last you'll see of me."

My heart dropped. Was this the end? What was going on? I wanted to scream. To yell, to cry, to sob at the top of my lungs.

I threw the flowers to the ground and stomped on them. I hate you, I thought.

And then I said the words out loud. "I hate you!"

{sorry that this was a super short chapter!}

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