Chapter Six: Celeste

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I had to choose a Five for the party.

I mean, I don't want there to be a sexy and seductive Two with a violin walking around the palace, distracting Maxon from more important things... me.

So that's why I chose this rat - America Singer. She came from a big family, with like, lots of siblings and all. She didn't look quite attractive, so that's good. And she seemed quite talented with her banjo - or whatever those nasty Fives could afford.

After the whole party planning thing (which I think is such a stupid idea. A party to meet the other ladies? He should just cut to the chase and pick me!), Marlee, Dakota and I returned to the ladies' room, where everyone was eager to hear more about what Maxon was like.

I rolled my eyes as Marlee and Dakota chattered on and on about all of these overrated things about Maxon - his hair, his eyes... Please! I'd seen better features on Sevens! He looked like he could be some ordinary guy on the streets to me.

"Celeste, what do you think of Maxon?" someone asked, some girl name Kriss. That's a boy's name, I thought.

"He's charming. You know, he's already kissed me," I bragged, fluttering my eyelashes.

All of the girls' mouths dropped open. "Really?" One of them said. "Is he a good kisser?" "Oh my gosh!" "Tell us, tell us!"

I sighed. "You know, girls, if you were pretty and nice like me, he'd want to kiss you all too."

My rudeness had stung the happiness in the air, leaving all of the other ladies shocked.

"Celeste, how could you say that?" Whispered Marlee, her head down.

I stifled a laugh. "Marlee, why do you think Prince Maxon hasn't kissed you yet?"

Marlee looked like she was about to say something, but before her words came out, tears did. She began to cry, as did the other girls.

I smiled, my work done. "Ladies, if you don't mind me, I'm going to go freshen up." I stood up from my chair and made my way out of the ladies' room.

"Celeste!" I heard from afar. I turned around to see Maxon.


"Hey, you!" I exclaimed, running over to hug him. Maxon kissed me on the cheek.

I had come to the Selection with a plan. To be a sensitive, shy girl, who was just head over heels for Maxon. But, not surprisingly, he was the one who fell in love with me.

"Celeste, I was coming to find you, anyway. I-I have something to tell you," Maxon said.

Oh no. Was he going to eliminate me? No, he couldn't be.

"Yeah?" I asked in my most sensitive voice.

"I-I want you to know that there is a huge chance that you will be one of the girls in the Elite." Maxon's smile grew.

Thank goodness. "Really? Maxon, I don't know what to say! I'm honored! Thank you!"

Maxon kissed me again. "Why, of course. Celeste, you're such a kind, beautiful, honest person. Why wouldn't you be apart of the Elite?"

Because I'm lying to you, and the whole reason I'm here is to get the crown. "I-I don't know. All I know for sure is that you're an amazing guy."

Maxon blushed. "Celeste, thank you."

I coughed. "Do you know who else will be going into the Elite?"

"Not sure, but you, of course. Maybe that Marlee girl, or Kriss."

"What about Dakota?" I asked, wanting to be fully aware of who was going to share Maxon with me.

Maxon shrugged. "I don't know. Dakota's really shy. I need someone with more of a...fiery attitude."

I nodded. "I understand." Then, I gave him the most passionate, deserving kiss. "Do I have a fiery attitude?"

"Yes," Maxon said before kissing me once more. "And Celeste, I have something to say to you."

I gulped, even though I knew he wasn't going to eliminate me. "Yeah?"

He reached for my hand. "Celeste, no one in the world is as incredible of a person as you."

I beamed. "Really?"

"No one. And, you know, maybe it's fate that you were selected. Because I am sure that we were meant to be."

"Me too!" I lied.

"So what I wanted to say to you was that I love y-"

One of the guards interrupted Maxon. I whipped my head around to see some pretty girl, who I was sure wasn't in the Selection. She had the reddest hair, and ice cold eyes. She wore a plain, white dress down to her knees. Her hair was simply tied into a ponytail. Oh, and she couldn't get her eyes off of Maxon.

"Your Majesty, this is America Singer."

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