Chapter Twenty-Five: America

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I had expected him to be dead.

But he wasn't.

"Maxon," I whispered. His eyes were closed, and he slept a peaceful sleep. "Maxon," I repeated, hoping he'd wake up.

"Stay right there!" yelled one of the guards. He raced into Maxon's hospital room and aimed a gun at me.

"I'm sorry - I'll leave," I said, my voice shaking. I stood up and slowly made my way to the door, when someone hit me down to the ground.


"Stay on the ground, America!" he shouted. Maxon pulled out his own gun and shot the guard. In an instant, he was dead.

Shocked, I turned around. "Maxon!" I exclaimed. "Why'd you shoot that guard?"

"Guard? That was another Rebel!"

My heart dropped once I realized that I had been talking to a Rebel, not a guard.

"What are Rebels doing, roaming around the castle?"

"Just some repercussions from the attacks. They disguise themselves as guards, but it'll be taken care of. Are you okay?" Maxon asked.

"Me? Who cares about me? Maxon, what's going on? Are you gonna be okay?"

He sighed. "I don't know anymore." As he made his way onto his hospital bed, he continued, "I might die, I might not. Little shards of the bullet had gone everywhere when the Rebel had shot me, so that required a complex surgery to remove them before internal bleeding occurred."

"And the blood loss?"

"They gave me some medicine, and they're watching everything I do so it all works out along the surgery."

"So, you will still live?" I asked, hopeful.

"I might still live," said Maxon.

"Oh," I mumbled.

Maxon looked out his window. "What are you doing here, America? How did you get here?"

I looked down. "I didn't want you to die."

"Of course not, but –"

"Not after what I said. I couldn't let you die after what I had said to you. I couldn't live with that regret," I explained.

"So you came here to –"

I kissed Maxon. He kissed me back, and he grabbed my waist and ran his fingers through my damp hair. I hugged him, and he hugged me back.

"I love you," I said in between kisses. "I'm in love with you."

"I'm in love with you too," said Maxon. His lips met mine again, and they fit together perfectly, like we were meant to be.

I let go. "Maxon, I'm so sorry," I said, tears forming in my eyes. "I didn't mean to say that."

"I know, it's okay, America."

"And," I sobbed, "I'm sorry I kissed Aspen."

Maxon chuckled. "I'm sorry I got married."

We both laughed, and then our lips met again, and we dived into another great, romantic kiss.

Then we heard the footsteps. "Maxon!" screeched Celeste.

He released and wore a guilty face. "Celeste –"

All of Celeste's anger built up, but she managed to wear a calm, relaxed face. "Maxon, I do not care about your relationship with this Five," she explained, obviously disgusted, "But just remember who is queen."

"What?" Maxon said.

Celeste's eyes practically popped out of her head. "What?" she repeated.

"You just said that you don't care if I have a relationship with America," explained Maxon. "Do you – did you marry me just so you could be queen?"

"No," replied Celeste, a little too quickly.

"Yes you did."

She sped out of the hospital room, and I looked at Maxon. "What are you going to do about her?"

He shrugged. "I'll take care of it," he laughed.

Before we could kiss again, a nurse walked in. Looking at her clipboard, she said, "King Maxon, we're going to need you to go into another surgery."

"What?" we both asked.

"We looked at your need another surgery - now."

"What? Why?" My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. I looked over at Maxon, whose face was pale and empty.

"We found some more bullet shards which could cause more internal bleeding. We'll need to take Maxon into another surgery right away."

And with that, I stood up, and the nurse wheeled Maxon to the surgery room.

If America Wasn't Selected: A Selection FanficWhere stories live. Discover now