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Author: This video gave me life, may Doitsu bless.

"I..I didn't know you were..like that?" America tried saying still confused whether it was a real kiss or a happy kiss.

"I just.. I'm really happy Alfred, you-yo." England started tearing up with tears surrounding his big green eyes. "You just look so happy, which just..it makes me so happy." The Brit said letting tears slowly go down his face. "I know there's no reason to cry, I don't even know what I'm doing, I'm crying for no reason." He said with his hands covering his eyes and slowly letting his soft cry become a sob.

"No...it's fine, I don't mind England." America said smiling again at the sobbing Brit.

To which England looked up at America's bright cheerful smile and his beautiful round blue eyes. But this made England just cry more, seeing how beautiful and happy he is. England continued to sob, not understanding why.


   "Are you okay now?" America said in question.

   "Of course I'm fine." England said still sniffling.

   England first got up and started ripping the hospital things off America whether he was suppose to or not. Alfred continued to sit there letting England proceed to take the things off. When he was done, England stood up and put his hand out with a bright warm smile.

"Let's go home, America."

America looked at England with his rosy cheeks and a smile that can brighten anyone's day.

"Okay." America put his hand in England's soft hand.


They ended up keeping their hands locked while in the hallway of the Hospital.

"And uh, England?" America looked at England.

"D-do you love me..?" Alfred blushed a bit.

England blushed and stared right into America's bright blue eyes.

"Isn't that obvious?" England smiled and held his love's hand tighter.

   America blushed even harder and looked at the floor trying to not show his embarrassment.

   England stopped walking and let go of America's hand, which made America look up.

   "Why did you st-mmh."

   Before America knew what had just happened, England's lips were on his again. But this time, a lot longer. It lasted a while in the hallway of the hospital. But America didn't care. I think I love him. No, I do love him. America thought over in his head with the passionate kiss. On the other hand, America was blushing like crazy but not realizing it.

   England finally went back with the kiss and quietly just locked his hand with America's again.

   America was still blushing mad, before he saw something running in the distance. He focused on it and saw it coming closer. Canada? America could quite make it out, until he got closer and he could hear a faint voice.


   "Canada!" America smiled the biggest smile.

   Canada ran up to America and hugged him tightly, actually letting a few tears go.

   "I was so worried, are you oka-y.." Canada stared at the locked hands.

   "Oh." Canada looked backed up.

   "Haha I see."

   "Wait, no! It's not-" America stopped holding England's hand.

   "No no, it's fine." Canada turned back and started walking.

   "Let's finally get you home." Canada spoke.

Author: sorry if that's boring :I, I have really good parts yet to come, but you know it has to get boring once in a while. I have a great plan for this.

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