How to Handle a Curse

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(Draco's POV)

The Wolf's bane liquid Harry made last night burned my skin. It was as if fire had started on my chest and it was slowly spreading. I didn't realize it could cause this much pain...

When I had gotten back into the bathroom, I had locked the door and stripped off my robe, before stepping in front of the large mirror. I had a full view of the damage done to me moments ago.

Red splotches dotted my upper torso and they hurt when any pressure was applied. A scowl was set on my lips and I grumble.

"Stupid Potter and his stupid Wolf's bane serum... Now I have to wash again..."

I grabbed a wet rag and washed down my chest so there wouldn't be any remnant of the brew. Then I slipped my robes back on before heading to bed.

The next day, I was in the library during my free period. I had decided to do research on werewolves and see if there were any ways to help with the freaking curse.

Basics of the Werewolf, Magical Elixirs to Calm Beasts, What Not to do as a Creature of the Night, Howling Good Tricks, were some of the books I took out of the library and back up to my room. I set them on my bed and started reading through a couple.

In Magical Elixirs to Calm Beasts, I found a potion to keep the drinker from going into a rage as they changed forms. This meant that once I changed I could have a little bit of control. A sigh of relief leaves my lips and I copy the potion down.

Tomorrow I would be able to start the potion. Though completing it will require more than my specialties. Maybe Professor Coldrunus could help. I am sure he would not mind.

After my break, I headed to transfiguration. Professor MaGonagall had us start transforming small creatures into common house hold items. If we couldn't preform it correctly she would have us start with the matchstick into a needle. She congratulated me and a few others on our performances and allowed us to take a break and do what we wished until the end of class. I decided to grab one of the other books and I started reading.

On the full moon, a werewolf will loose all forms of control and attack anything in it's path. I know that... The persons senses are miraculously heightened after their first transformation. But be warned. Once changed the werewolf will hunt for their mate. Mate? What the bloody hell is a mate? But before I could reach the section, it was time to go.

As I left the room, a loud rumble left my stomach. I was hungry. I took a deep breath and froze. I looked around but found no one else in the hall. I smelled... Food. Not just any food though. It smelled like a large buffet.

I could smell turkey, ham, mash potatoes, an assortment of veggies, and ect... I licked my lips softly before scowling. This is all because of the stupid curse.

I head down the hall and see Blaise. Instantly something growls inside me and I clench my fists. He did this. His stupid pranks caused him to have to drag us into the woods with him.

"Hey Draco, I was looking for you. I was wondering... Wait where are you going?"

I walked away from him. I did not need this right now. Blaise caught up with me and rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Draco... What is wrong?"

"Nothing Blaise. Now get to class."

He froze and furrowed his brows. "Fine... I will see you around, Malfoy."

I relaxed as I got further away from Blaise. My stomach growled again and I sighed. One more class then I could go eat lunch. This class was Advanced DADA.

I walking into class and sat down in the back. I pulled out my book and flipped through the pages.

"Today class we will be learning how to find a werewolf. We will learn about special behaviors and tricks on how to distinguish whether or not someone is this creature."

Whispers went around the classroom and people looked nervous. Everyone knew that there was a rogue wolf around school but no one knew who it was.

Well I knew one of them of course, but the original, no.

"Also I have asked Professor Coldrunus to bring us some brews that are used to attracted their kind. So please welcome him."

The professor walked in smiling and bowed. One of his helpers brought out a few vials and a large coldrun covered by a brass lid.

Professor Mockinggale came and sat beside me as he started to speak. She seemed... nervous, as far as I could tell.

"Mr. Malfoy. Please come to my office this afternoon after your last class. I wish to speak with you."

I furrowed my brows and nodded. Usually teachers were direct with me and always seemed to have a proud face on when they spoke but she... she looked afraid.

"Yes ma'am."

She smiled softly at me before getting up and heading back to the front of the classroom.

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