Hogsmeade Meeting

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(Harry's POV)

Draco came in late this morning and he looked more disheveled more than anyone I had seen during the war. He walked into the room rubbing his eyes. As he did so, I put my book mark in my book and stood up so we were eye to eye. Well Draco was a little taller than me but that did not matter. A soft growl left his lips as I crossed my arms and gave him a look. 

"Had fun with a Slytherin last night Malfoy? Do I need to report it?" 

A look of shock appeared on his face, but it quickly melted into a scowl. 

"Shove off Potter," Draco grumbled as he walked past me. Something stopped him however, and he froze in place. His eyes glanced at me. Not in a criticizing way, but more of like a curious puppy looks at a new toy. What ever it was, it sent shivers down my spine. 

His scowl suddenly returned and he left the room. Something was up with him, and I was going to find out what. 

But before I could let my mind ponder more, there was a soft knock on the door. I almost didn't hear it. I walked over to answer it. Hermione was standing there with a smile on her face. She had a couple of scrolls and books in her arms, most likely from the library. 

"Harry! I am so happy to see you! I wanted to show you something. Follow me."

Hermione turned and walked away. Her curls bounced behind her head and for a moment it reminded me of my first year here. I decided that following her would be a better option than staying in the vicinity of that prick, so I followed.  

Her steps quickened as we made our way through endless hallways. Somehow her arms held all her items carefully, she did not drop a single one. Suddenly, we came to a halt in front of Ron's room. The painting watching her smiled and let her pass freely after she mumbled a password. I suppose that meant she came there often.

Ron was coaxing the fire when we walked in. He was wearing his Weasley sweater from last Christmas and shorts. He smiled widely at me and motioned for me to sit beside him. 

"So what is going on?" 

"You won't believe it! The Headmaster is taking all the returning students out to Hogsmeade for drinks and dinner. All on him!" 

"Okay? Is that all you wanted to tell me?" 

"No," Hermione jutted in. "We wanted to show you something we found whilst "traversing" the castle." 

Hermione walked over to an old chest and opened it. She pulled something out and walked back over to me. In her arms was my invisibility cloak that had aided me through my past adventures. My eyes widened as she handed me the soft, silky cloak. 

"Where did you find this?" 

"In the headmaster's old office. It was draped around a chair," Ron stated as he scooted closer to me. "We thought you might like it back." 

"I-I don't know what to say..."

"Oh for bloody hell's sake Harry. Just take it and be happy."

I smiled as a small blush crept up on my cheeks. "Thank you..." 

"No problem Harry. Do not forget about later though." 

"I won't." 

We hung out in Ron's room for a while before deciding we needed to split and change into comfortable clothes for the trip. 

Soon I was back in my room. Malfoy was combing through his hair when he suddenly stopped and looked at me. 

"What do you want, Potter?" 

"Headmaster invited us to go to Hogsmeade for food and drinks. You in?" 

His eyes seemed to scan me for a second before landing on the cloak in my arms. His eyes then flashed back up to mine. 

"Sure, Potter, but this better not be some trick concocted by you and your pathetic posse." 

A sigh left my lips. I shook my head and smiled softly as I walked to my room. 

"Get ready to go. We leave in an hour." 

Malfoy put his comb down and walked into his own room. It wasn't long before we were both ready to head down to the entrance. We were quiet the hole way down but I could tell that something was bothering him. He kept shooting glances my way and he seemed to get uncomfortable when I looked at him back. 

I rolled my eyes at this. Soon he would be with some friends and we would not have to even be near each other... if that would help. Will it be this awkward go-

"Harry over here!" 

Hermione waved at me excitedly and coaxed me over to her, Ron and Neville. She pulled me into a hug and then went back to Ron and held his hand. He leaned over and kissed her cheek softly. 

"Let's go kids! We do not want to be late for dinner." 

Kids? Oh great... 

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