An Unwanted Gift

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(Draco's POV)

I rose out of bed slowly and rubbed my eyes. Usually, when I woke, I was in a pleasant mood and was ready for the day. But today was different, all I wanted was for someone to walk in and put a sleeping hex on me so I could get more rest. But sadly that did not happen.

I opened a drawer and pulled out some soft underwear and a towel before walking over to my bathroom and shutting the door behind me. I set the fabrics down and started a hot shower to help relax me.

After my shower I was more refreshed and awake. I dried my body and slipped on the knew underwear before brushing my teeth.

My pale blonde hair was messy and my sliver eyes looked empty and helpless. My once well built frame had lost a little of it's wonder as the few years had passed. The one thing that did not change however was the death eater's tattoo that was still buried in my porcelain skin, on my left arm. That forbidden mark haunted me now.

I heard stirring of other Slytherins outside of the door and quickly fixed myself. A first year walked in and looked at me with wide eyes before getting nervous. He looked away from me and went into a stall.

I sighed and left quickly so that I would not have to deal with all the others.

Once I reached my room, I sat down on my bed and sighed heavily. I did not know how long I could keep up my fake act and old customs but I had to. I was the Prince of Slytherin. I had to keep up stupid appearances.

After I dressed in my robes and fixed myself a little more, I left. Last night the new headmaster said there would be changes and that the old students where going to get something "special".

I walked out of the dungeons and up the moving staircases. Students glanced at me from the corner of their eyes and then quickly turned away so they would not be hexed. I smirked at this and continued my way up. One thing that I did not miss was the stairs. Once I had reached the top, I was panting slightly.

"Well I see the Prince of Darkness has grown weak."

"Cut it out Ron. Just leave him be."

I looked up and saw the Weasley holding the hand of the Mud-blood and sighed softly to myself. Of course they would be together. I ignored the red head's comment and walked into the main hall.

There was an extra table set up and on it was a sign symbolizing it was for the returning last year students. I held my head up and walked over to the table. I sat and soon my "friends" joined me.

"I wonder what we will be earning for returning to this bloody school again," Pansy said boredly as she played with her wand.

"Probably extra points for our houses... That is what they always do," replied Blaise. He seemed a little but more excited than the rest of us.

The headmaster took his spot behind the podium and fixed his cloak. He then cleared his throat and pulled our his wand. I saw him mutter something before placing the tip of his wand behind his jaw.

"Good morning student. Welcome to your first day, this year, at Hogwarts. I am proud to say that this year we will be hosting many new opportunities that will benefit each one of you. Now before we begin I need all the returning students from the war to stand and make their way to the front."

I raised a brow and got up. We walked to the front and I saw Harry for the first time that day. He seemed... Broken? No that's not it...

"Because of the loss of students and other faculty I have decided to provide, for you returning students, new rooms that you will keep for the rest of your stay here."

I heard murmuring and questions go through the air until the headmaster raised his hand for silence.

"As I was saying. You will all be paired up male with male and vice versa. Also you will no longer be associated with the same houses. Now time for your pairing."

They took out a large bowl filled with moving paper shaped as creatures. He put his hand in and two crawled up onto it.

"Now the first male pairing is... Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom."

People sighed in relief as he continued to call out pairs until...

"Draco Malfoy and... Harry Potter."

"What," I heard the golden boy gasp.

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