Headmaster Who?

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(Draco POV)

After the announcement Professor McGonagall went and sat down. Everything had gotten settled when suddenly this tall fair skinned man avaporated in front of the podium. He smiled widely at everyone before taking out his wand so he could use it as a microphone.

"Welcome back to another year of Hogwarts. My name is Edwin Cogstrubble and I am your new headmaster! I want you all to respect and accept me as one of your own and I hope that someday I too will be high with the former headmasters."

Hearing him say this pierced my heart. I, Draco Malfoy, did in fact miss Dumbledor. He did not deserve his fate but it still happened. And no, before people start assuming things, I had not gotten soft.

Well, I will admit,  in the last two years I had changed. I had lost my father to Azkaban and my mother was doing the best she could to help me. But of course she could not always be there for me. My so called friends, except for Pansy and Blaise, ditched me for the next runner up. The only thing that had not changed was the strain between Harry Potter, the golden boy, and I.

I sighed and looked around for something to keep my mind off of things. But of course my eyes caught Potter's. My blood boiled and a scowl appeared on my face. I blamed him for the most part. He went against my father in trial and I barely saved my mother from the same fate. Then he gains all of the fame for saving the rest of Hogwarts and the wizarding world.

The new headmaster pulls me out of my thoughts when he makes the food appear. My stomach growled and I grabbed for some of the delicious banquet before me. I never really knew how much I had missed this. All the things you could eat only an arms length away and you did not have to pay.

Blaise and I messed around and pissed off Pansy. Let's just say that her hair is going to smell like grease and juice for a while. She had tried many times to get some condiments down my robes but I evaded all attacks. As I played I felt eyes burrowing into me and I could not help but look for those dark eyes to look into my own. Our eyes made contact again but this time it was different.   

After the feast and festivities we all quickly headed back to our dorms. This year things had changed. We were paired up, boys with boys and girls with girls of course, but by two. Everyone got nervous when my name was called but soon relaxed when we were told I was in a room by myself. I gave a smirk and quickly jogged up the stairs. I found my room quickly and walked in.

The dark green walls and black furniture brought back memories of the years before. And the well designed snakes reminded me that we were a proud house. But it felt lonely because of the one bed in it. I sighed softly and laid down. My body was weak and tired from today and it was not long before I had fallen asleep.

Sleep did not turn out the way that I expected. I tossed and turned, messing up the bed sheets completely. I then continue to have nightmares until finally I wake up and get a drink. Most of them consisted of my mother being thrown into Azkaban but a couple had my father not going and trying to take over the role of the dark lord. I finally did get some shut eye though and I was thankful for that.

A loud bang woke me up from my fitful sleep and I wake up groggily. It took me a moment before I realized what was happening. Today was the first day of class and I could not be late. Again.

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