Honeydukes and Sugar

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Harry's POV

I was just getting relaxed against the arm of the couch when I felt Draco's leg rest against mine. At first I went rigged and waited for him to pull away and snap at me. But he didn't. In fact, he looked just as relaxed as when we first walked in. I just assumed he hadn't noticed. 

It wasn't long before I was transfixed by the story I was reading. It was about a wizard living in a muggle world where magic  was banned. The best part with the dragon was coming up when suddenly I hear a small thud. My body jolted and I looked over at Draco. He had fallen asleep. His book had fallen to the floor, under his now extended hand. He seemed... peaceful. 

Almost an hour passed before Draco woke back up. His legs extended and pressed against my thigh, and his arms stretched out above his head. The scrunch of his face was adorable to say the least, and the crinkle of his nose made me smile. 

I quickly hid it behind my book and pretended to still be focused on it. His foot prodded me, and he waited for my attention. 

"Yes Draco?"

"Want to go to Honeydukes? I was thinking about getting something sweet." 

"Sure. We did skip dessert earlier."

A soft chuckle left his lips, and he shook his head. He then glanced down at the couch seeming to look for something. His eyes widened when he saw the book on the ground, and quickly scooped it up. 

That chuckle was... kind of cute. Usually he would be scoffing right now, and getting as far away from me as he could. But for some reason, he was content being by me. His usual goon squad was no were to be seen so he did not have to perform for anyone. 

Draco returned the book and met me at the front door of the book shop. He still looked a little out of it from his nap, but he was calm. I held open the door for him and we stepped back out onto the soft cobble road. This time of day was the most quiet. Not a lot of people were here yet so it was an easy and quiet trip to Honeydukes. The people that were there kept to themselves and didn't bother the two. 

It wasn't long before we stepped into the familiar candy and sweet shop. The smell of sugar, chocolate, and flavoured candies brought a smile to our lips. Draco turned his head to me and nodded towards the dark chocolate section in the back of the store. 

"I will be right back."

He stepped away and left me by Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, and some other harder treats. I chuckled and walked around. I wasn't looking for anything in particular but some of the cauldron cakes, and chocolate frogs did make their way into my hands. 

By the time we left, we had three paper bags each of treats. Draco looked at his snacks, then to me with a smile. His eyes were glowing grey and his features had softened tremendously. It was honestly nice to see him so relaxed and happy. 

"Want to head back to our dorm room?"

"Sure," I stated contently. It would be nice to have some peace and quiet for a few minutes as we walk. 

Or at least I thought it would be nice, until everyone else saw and decided to join us. I felt my shoulders tense a little, and some of my good mood vanished. It wasn't that I didn't want them there, I was just enjoying our time alone. Hermione smiled at me and glanced down at the bags I was holding. 

"And I see you both went to Honeyduke! What did you get?"

"Just a few things to have in our rooms. Not much."

I didn't want to tell her about the special chocolates that Ron and I used to mess around with all the time, that I bought. Those were for Draco and I to enjoy. 

"You didn't happen to find any more of those voice changing chocolates? Did yah?"

Ron stood in front of me and stopped me in my tracks. My eyes widened and I held the bags a little closer to me. Still, Ron did not take the hint. 

"No I didn't grab any. I saw some, if you want to go look."

"That's a brilliant idea! Lets go Harry," Ron exclaimed as he grabbed my elbow. I held my ground and glared at him a little.

"I already went there, now I want to head back to Hogwarts." 

Ron stopped perplexed. 

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