Silent Screaming (EDITED)

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Burns Like Fire

Living in Blackwell is the worse decision you can make in your life. There’s mobs, riots, fires, chaos, and even more; everything is just horrible. You can’t describe it as an unstable place to raise a family. That is an understatement; a major understatement. If you happen to be in Blackwell, as fast as you can. Try to get out alive, and unharmed. It would be in your best interest...(just saying.) Now that I’ve warned you about the dangers of Blackwell, I say that you stay away from there, or you might end up just like me... 

All I could remember was...I was running. People were shouting behind me. I couldn’t make out the voices; or the language. Nothing made sense. I wasn’t sure if it was my own fear that blocked out everything; or my heart pounding in my ears, deafening me. I couldn’t remember why I was running. Something made me afraid for my life; urging me to run, to get away from whatever danger I was in. Sadly, I can’t remember what danger I was in. My memory was shot. 

Surprisingly, I could only recognize one person out of everything. That was Dominic, my closest most dearest friend. He was running in a twisted kind of way; as if he had gotten hurt. I stopped running to stare at him oddly for a moment. His running was distracting. Dominic soon fell and rolled over to lay on his back. For a split second, I thought he had died, and I had to be sure. Quickly, I ran over to him as fast as I could and noticed the small amounts of blood leaking out of his left side. I hovered over Dominic, noticing that his narrow face was covered in little cuts, wood chips and soot was in his curly brown hair. Overall, Dominic looked like a train wreck. 

“What happened to you?” I asked, moving off of him. 

Dominic coughed a few times.  “House fell down...some stuff hit me.” He told me in a pained voice. “You have to get out of here, its not safe here anymore.” 

“I’m not going anywhere without my best friend,” I said firmly, helping him up. “Come on.” 

“Thanks for helping me and all, but this isn’t a good idea Natalie,” Dominic warned me, as he took my elbow and started running. “I’m just dead weight right now, and I’ll only slow you down.” 

“I smirked at him. You’re such a killjoy, just run, live a little, plus, you can’t slow me down.” I teased him, and he scowled playfully. 

“This is not time for your little stunts Natalie---did I mention that we’re running FOR OUR LIVES!” I couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. He’s a bit hard to figure out, even if you’ve known him for years. 

I decided to take it as a joke.“Ha ha Dom, I know that,” I told him sarcastically. “We just need to get far away from the town, maybe we could go to New York! I’ve always wanted to go there!” I said excitedly, then looked at Dominic. He had a dull expression on his face; looking like he isn’t taking me seriously. 

“Seriously Natalie...? We lived in freaking Virginia! There’s no way we’re making it to New York; maybe Maryland, but not New York.” He told me pessimistically and I scowled at him for a second. Sometimes I really hate Dominic. He’s so back and forward with everything; hot one second cold the other. Don’t get me wrong, I love my best friend, but if he was just more...(I don’t know), I’d probably love him more.

“Come on Dom, I know you want to go to New York too! We’d totally make it there.” 

He and I stopped running and sat down on the ground. We were both out of breath and panting hard. 

“So do you think we’ll actually make it?” He asked me. 

“Of course! I mean...we’re smart. We know how to handle ourselves. We can last a good while.” I told him. 

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