Chapter 2: Mute

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The smell of something horrible woke me up suddenly. I rubbed my eyes and looked around, noticing that I was on the ground. This made me utterly confused. I couldn’t remember how I had gotten there, nor could I remember where I was. Nothing was making any sense to me. I rubbed my pounding head and got up from the ground slowly, then brushed myself off. Why couldn’t I remember where I was? Nothing seemed familiar in any type of way. 

I started to feel sweat trickle down my face from the growing heat in the area I was in. Why was it hot? Was something generating the heat? Feeling curious, I walked around feeling it get warmer. Seeing something that caught my attention, I stopped suddenly; there was this orange thing in front of me now. It was generating all the heat I was feeling. What were these things? Why were they so hot?

I reached out to touch the hot orange substance, but the sound of someone’s voice stopped me. This was followed by the rumbling sounds of feet moving. People were walking inside of here. “Stop! Step back!” A deep voice said, making me snatch my hand back. Who was that? “Get away from there!” The voice commanded me, and I stepped back, feeling the need to follow its orders. However, I didn’t want to, my curiosity was picking at my brain. I wanted to know what those orange things were. I wanted to ask so many questions. 

The person’s extremely warm hands grabbed my shoulders and yanked me away from the orange things. I reached out to it, feeling the warmth leave me quickly. I didn’t want to go till I discovered what they were. Nothing was going to stop me from finding out. “Miss, stop! I need to get you out of here.” The person continued saying and I shook my head. Quickly, I pried my way out of the person’s grip and ran back over to the orange things. Finishing what I was trying to do earlier, I stretched my arm out and placed it by the orange thing touching the hot substance briefly. Pain shot through me, forcing me to run back and hold my hand. I wanted to scream out in pain, but I found myself unable to. It was like my mouth was super glued shut. 

“What are you doing! Why did you touch it?” The person said running over to me, and taking my hand that was now turning red. I bit the inside of my cheek, and fought tears trying to form. “This is why you don’t play with fire...” 


What’s fire? 

The person eventually guided me out of the area, and kneeled down to me at eye level. “Miss, do you remember how the fire started?” Who was miss? Was that me? I pointed to myself and gave a him a confused look. “Yes, you... Can you tell me your name. I’ll tell you mine.” He told me, and I shrugged 

For some reason I reached in my pants pocket and pulled out a picture. There was a girl with blondish brown hair and bright blue eyes and next to her was a boy with curly brown hair and brown eyes. I didn’t know who the people on it were, but on the back of it there were names. 




Assuming this had something to do with who I was, I showed him the picture. “So your name is Natalie? Pleased to meet you, I’m Roger.” I waved at him, guessing my name was Natalie. “I’m going to get you some help okay...” He told me and I nodded. Roger took my good hand and led me to a red truck with flashing lights. People emerged out of the truck, took me from Roger and placed me in the back. I was confused. What were they doing? Why did they take me away from Roger? Where were they going to take me? 

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